Yes, we cottoned onto this many years ago, most is .

A brilliant documentary on how have been systematically transitioned from being an active '' to a docile '' is The Century Of The Self (/BBC, 2002).

It cover a suite of propaganda techniques used to for all manner of abuse by large .

#philanthropy #fauxlanthropy #thePeople #citizen #consumer #adamcurtis #engineerConsent #corporations

Last updated 1 year ago

@thenewoil @GhostOnTheHalfShell
Breaking up monopolies is a built-in feature of bitcoin. Monopolies only got to where they are by borrowing large amounts they can only do that on a system.

A concerted effort by to reject dotCons is vital for their breakup, now. It's too difficult politically to if dotCons can as they did in , 2021. Falsebook and Goo' cut us off from outlets.

Grassroots is needed.

#fiatCurrency #thePeople #blackmail #australia #mainstreamnews #breakThemUp #activism

Last updated 1 year ago

woodrat :sfgiantshat: · @woodrat
3 followers · 123 posts · Server sfba.social

@nwchapman it's all just pushing people on the lower levels of the caste around to the benefit of those with money who are naturally existentially afraid of said people, being members of higher levels of the caste ...but will flow like water

#thePeople #feudalism #defundpolice #meditation

Last updated 1 year ago

OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
43 followers · 418 posts · Server kolektiva.social


Uniting people can be a challenging task, but there are several strategies that can help. Here are some tips:

Focus on what unites people, not what divides them: To lead effectively in a time of division, focus on what unites the people you lead, not on what divides them
. Start with some very basic things. At the core, we all have our common humanity. We’re all people

Manage conflict productively: Conflict can be a major source of division, so it's important to manage it productively. This means being invested in maintaining the relationship, committed to finding win/win solutions, and willing to participate in open and honest communication

Build trust: Trust is essential for a cohesive team. Get to know your employees - their hobbies, families, interests, values, work styles, and communication preferences. This can help build trust and create a sense of unity

Establish a common mission: A cohesive team requires a common mission. Make sure everyone is on board with the mission and understands their role in achieving it.

Take action: Uniting people often requires action. This can include holding campaigns, protests, keeping in contact with political actors, and providing legal services to families who can't afford them

Master the superpowers that unite people: According to Talenttalks, there are three superpowers that can unite people and make wonders: empathy, curiosity, and vulnerability.

Unite people of goodwill throughout the world: According to Share The World's Resources (STWR), the one solution that remains is to unite the people of goodwill throughout the world, which is our last hope for social transformation on a global scale

How to Unite a Divided People: 5 Keys to Leading in an Angry Era

3 Tips How To Unite A Divided Team

Unite The People Inc.

3 Superpowers that unite people and make wonders

Uniting the people of the world | Share The World's Resources (STWR)

#guide #unity #howto #solidarity #thePeople #Community

Last updated 1 year ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
674 followers · 818 posts · Server mstdn.social

@charlesornstein@newsie.social The more the deep, long-standing, widespread corruption is revealed, the more it is a call to to let it go & start building anew. A new society, a new country, that is based instead on & sharing of our abundant resources. We don’t have to continue to live like this, we don’t have to die like this. We can rethink it. Create it. It’s time. What kind of country do you want to live in?
We can do this.🌎

#Inclusion #TrueEquality #compassion #cooperation #Community #thePeople

Last updated 2 years ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
605 followers · 680 posts · Server mstdn.social

@cookie_mumbles IMO there’s no coincidences in life - everything happens for a reason. Twitter’s imploding bc it does not serve us well, doesn’t serve the of . We were being programmed w/ anger, negativity, discord & division. The old ways are crumbling.

The gives us a new chance to build the 🌎 we want to live in. I choose . I chose

Grateful to you all for sharing the journey. ✨

#love #thoughtfuldiscussion #Inclusion #diversity #Community #compassion #kindness #Fediverse #thePeople #highestgood

Last updated 2 years ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
605 followers · 680 posts · Server mstdn.social

@Melody Change starts with us. You followed your heart. It’s terrible what is happening in in Texas and similar states. It’s up to . We are the government. Is this the way they want to live?

#changestartswithus #ChangeIsHere #thePeople #Education

Last updated 2 years ago

DemocracySpot · @DemocracySpot
60 followers · 59 posts · Server mstdn.social

🎧 served up some . I thought: "Haven't heard or read the name "Greg Abbott" since escaping the .

▶️ In 1975, when ZZTop recorded "Heard it on the X," had a , Dolph Briscoe Jr. An upstanding and benevolent child of Texas. Briscoe was a richaf rancher—at one point the largest landowner in the state—but he extended a hand back, down, across the aisle to lift others. As do.


#thePeople #txhistory #TXpol #democrats #governor #democratic #Texas #hellsite #zztop #YouTube

Last updated 2 years ago

Charles Watts · @empathysurplus
31 followers · 189 posts · Server mastodon.world

The article answers how a company is allowed to grow to such a point where is has such sheer dominance.

There is no "human nature" about it. Humans resist and are highly skeptical of . It takes an amount of coersion and , often in the form of paid (4 per today?) to to engineer outcomes that repeatedly serve special interests over .

The of govt is not normal. It's .

@davew @atomicpoet

#monopolyformation #collusion #lobbyists #politician #policymakers #thePeople #corporatecapture #fascism

Last updated 2 years ago

The article answers how a company is allowed to grow to such a point where is has such sheer dominance.

There is no "human nature" about it. Humans resist and are highly skeptical of . It takes an amount of coersion and , often in the form of paid (4 per today?) to to engineer outcomes that repeatedly serve special interests over .

The of govt is not normal. It's .

@davew @atomicpoet

#monopolyformation #collusion #lobbyists #politician #policymakers #thePeople #corporatecapture #fascism

Last updated 2 years ago

Emmanuel Veneau 📸 · @emmanuel_veneau
109 followers · 50 posts · Server photog.social
Pascaline 🌻 · @pascaline
3 followers · 107 posts · Server mastodon.nl

If refugees are accepted, the accepting country, in my opinion, should from then on be responsible for these refugees. They should protect, feed, and house them, take care of their health.
In an era of being in it for egoistic reasons it would be good if governments understood this: you are not here for your personal gain. You are here for the people in your country, and responsible for them. For all of them.

#thePeople #iran #refugees #government #politics

Last updated 2 years ago

Remember too that , in the midst of grieving the recent tragic death of his son, agreed to to lead trump’s second impeachment trial.

of & on behalf of .

#Democracy #thePeople #forthegood #truecourage #standup #JamieRaskin

Last updated 2 years ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
546 followers · 609 posts · Server mstdn.social

Remember too that , in the midst of grieving the recent tragic death of his son, agreed to to lead trump’s second impeachment trial.

of & on behalf of .

#Democracy #thePeople #forthegood #truecourage #standup #JamieRaskin

Last updated 2 years ago

Kamran Zahid 🌹 · @ComradeKamran95
44 followers · 126 posts · Server mstdn.social

@Sh4d0w_H34rt I can’t tell you how fucking tired I am of empty rhetoric that becomes Sophistry. I’m so tired of not having Champions for the People who have the courage to fight. I mean damn, there are single moms not knowing where their kids’ next meal will come from. If you have/do experience extreme Poverty and still try to make it, you are a Hero. I have been there. I promise I/we will fight for you.

#tuesday #johnmastodon #eattherich #endpoverty #leftism #Politics #thePeople

Last updated 2 years ago

If this is TRULY used for of it could mean unlimited, cheap, clean power for all. It could even mean .

could “bring electricity to the grid with no carbon 👣 , no radioactive waste & far fewer resources than it takes to harness ☀️& 💨power. Beyond …it could help bring cheap electricity to impoverished parts of the 🌍.”

#climatebenefits #fusionscience #freeenergy #thePeople #thegood #Technology #nuclearfusion

Last updated 2 years ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
434 followers · 378 posts · Server mstdn.social

If this is TRULY used for of it could mean unlimited, cheap, clean power for all. It could even mean .

could “bring electricity to the grid with no carbon 👣 , no radioactive waste & far fewer resources than it takes to harness ☀️& 💨power. Beyond …it could help bring cheap electricity to impoverished parts of the 🌍.”

#climatebenefits #fusionscience #freeenergy #thePeople #thegood #Technology #nuclearfusion

Last updated 2 years ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
546 followers · 609 posts · Server mstdn.social

If this is TRULY used for of it could mean unlimited, cheap, clean power for all. It could even mean .

could “bring electricity to the grid with no carbon 👣 , no radioactive waste & far fewer resources than it takes to harness ☀️& 💨power. Beyond …it could help bring cheap electricity to impoverished parts of the 🌍.”

#climatebenefits #fusionscience #freeenergy #thePeople #thegood #Technology #nuclearfusion

Last updated 2 years ago

Evan :verified: · @evro
34 followers · 167 posts · Server techhub.social

I have concluded that it’s not actually I object to when I go out into

It’s . is everywhere .

#thePeople #theworld #thestupid #outthere

Last updated 2 years ago