#music #TheRichmanRichmodBullshitSong
#BenShapiro and #TheRight Desperately Promote TERRIBLE #ConservativeCountrySong
There are plenty of #LeftMusic to listen ,FYI
#Music #therichmanrichmodbullshitsong #thekavernacle #benshapiro #theRight #conservativecountrysong #leftmusic
#MichaelKnowles really is a piece of work. Things really have come full circle with #TheRight. I'm so glad we are past ... in many cases smoking mirrors of them pretending to care about facts and pretending to be logical or rational. By stating that "science is mostly fake" what Knowles is doing here is cherry picking reality. Not how it works bud. Especially when he's just doing this to justify his #transphobia.
#Science #transphobia #theRight #michaelknowles
its amazing that #TheRight
#Supports #Fascists and #Fascism
and then has the #Audacity to publicly decry #FreeSpeech and accuse #TheLeft of #Violence
If you #AskMe if I support #Violence I just find it astounding. Because it means you don't understand anything about what we #Experience and have #Experienced in #ThisCountry since the days we #FledFascism and #Survived #Genocide ya know what I mean???
#theRight #bombshospitals #shootsup #schools #massmurders #bipoc #lgbt #bombs #powergrids #supports #fascists #fascism #burns #synagogues #commits #genocide #denies #audacity #freespeech #theleft #violence #askme #experience #experienced #thiscountry #fledfascism #survived
its amazing that #TheRight
#Supports #Fascists and #Fascism
and then has the #Audacity to publicly decry #FreeSpeech and accuse #TheLeft of #Violence
If you #AskMe if I support #Violence I just find it astounding. Because it means you don't understand anything about what we #Experience and have #Experienced in #ThisCountry since the days we #FledFascism and #Survived #Genocide ya know what I mean???
#theRight #bombshospitals #shootsup #schools #massmurders #bipoc #lgbt #bombs #powergrids #supports #fascists #fascism #burns #synagogues #commits #genocide #denies #audacity #freespeech #theleft #violence #askme #experience #experienced #thiscountry #fledfascism #survived
its amazing that #TheRight
#Supports #Fascists and #Fascism
and then has the #Audacity to publicly decry #FreeSpeech and accuse #TheLeft of #Violence
If you #AskMe if I support #Violence I just find it astounding. Because it means you don't understand anything about what we #Experience and have #Experienced #ThisCountry since the days we #FledFascism and #Survived #Genocide ya know what I mean???
#theRight #bombshospitals #shootsup #schools #massmurders #bipoc #lgbt #bombs #powergrids #supports #fascists #fascism #burns #synagogues #commits #genocide #denies #audacity #freespeech #theleft #violence #askme #experience #experienced #thiscountry #fledfascism #survived
its amazing that #TheRight
#Supports #Fascists and Fascism
and then has the #Audacity to publicly decry #FreeSpeech and accuse #TheLeft of #Violence
If you #AskMe if I support #Violence I just find it astounding. Because it means you don't understand anything about what we #Experience and have #Experienced #ThisCountry since the days we #FledFascism and #Survived #Genocide ya know what I mean???
#theRight #bombshospitals #shootsup #schools #massmurders #bipoc #lgbt #bombs #powergrids #supports #fascists #burns #synagogues #commits #genocide #denies #audacity #freespeech #theleft #violence #askme #experience #experienced #thiscountry #fledfascism #survived
There's a lot of "playing the refs" done by #theright, screaming about #censorship and unfairness. So that the refs start making calls favoring them to shut them up (it never works) and in practice the calls begin favoring the right.
#TheNation #EdgeOfSports #DaveZirin
Why The #Rightwing Is So Mad About #TransAthletes. 🏳️⚧️
On this week’s Edge of Sports podcast, professor #CherylCooky discusses her op-ed that enraged #theright.
#thenation #EdgeOfSports #DaveZirin #sport #GOPieceOfShit #FUCKGOPRepublicans #rightwing #TransAthletes #CherylCooky #theRight
When I was younger, I thought that the defining distinction between #theLeft and #theRight was solidarity — as in, the former necessarily has to have way more of it than the latter.
Gradually I came to realise that characterisation is problematic for three reasons:
I now think that the ratio personal freedom vs economic freedom better categorises Left vs. Right (cf #NolanChart). I like to think of those two dimensions as “#freedom to do what you please with your body” (food, drugs, euthanasia, suicide, sex, read, speech, thought, association, religion) and “freedom to do what you please with your property” (save, invest, buy, sell, donate, build, trade, settle).
This is not a defence of #anarchism or #libertarianism, by the way — I do believe certain restrictions on both kinds of liberties are necessary for any society to function at all.
#theleft #theRight #leftists #solidarity #spain #NolanChart #freedom #anarchism #libertarianism