RT @statauk@twitter.com
Are you having trouble deciding on the right Visualisation to use in Stata? Luckily, @theFstat@twitter.com has collated 25 different Stata visualisations to choose from for your next research project.
Click here to read the article: https://medium.com/the-stata-gallery/top-25-stata-visualizations-with-full-code-668b5df114b6
#Stata #dataviz #theStataGallery
RT @theFstat@twitter.com
Top 25 #Stata Commonly used Visualizations with full replication code is now up!
#Stataviz #Dataviz #TheStataGallery #visualization
Do press clap at the bottom of website if you like and want more such posts.
Preview of some graphs below π
π¦π: https://twitter.com/theFstat/status/1593898204495593472
#Stata #stataviz #dataviz #theStataGallery #visualization
RT @theFstat@twitter.com
Top 25 #Stata Commonly used Visualizations with full replication code is now up!
#Stataviz #Dataviz #TheStataGallery #visualization
Do press clap at the bottom of website if you like and want more such posts.
Preview of some graphs below π
π¦π: https://twitter.com/theFstat/status/1593898204495593472
#Stata #stataviz #dataviz #theStataGallery #visualization
RT @theFstat@twitter.com
Top 25 #Stata Commonly used Visualizations with full replication code is now up!
#Stataviz #Dataviz #TheStataGallery #visualization
Do press clap at the bottom of website if you like and want more such posts.
Preview of some graphs below π
π¦π: https://twitter.com/theFstat/status/1593898204495593472
#Stata #stataviz #dataviz #theStataGallery #visualization
Writing a Top 25 visualization post using #Stata. Will extend to 50 later.
Visualizations commonly used with full code. Usually we find such posts for #R and #Python but not for Stata
Will be up soon hopefully on #TheStataGallery
#Stata #r #Python #theStataGallery #stataviz #dataviz #datascience
A new guest post by Ansgar Hudde (University of Cologne) in #theStataGallery :stata: on how to create a #heatmap from a grid of plots. The article uses German election data to chart out the change in sentiments for parties over time:
The tutorial shows sentiments towards own party and other parties (red = warmer, grey = neutral, blue = colder).
A really great use of colors, grids, and summarizing complex information in a single graph.
#theStataGallery #heatmap #Stata #dataviz