The UK fighting Russia to the last Ukranian... maybe the last living human given fueled heat of tanks and jets, and a nuclear war could kill us before climate chaos...
> ... this has really been Britain’s role throughout this war, has been to kind of up the ante and to lead the way on weapon supplies to Ukraine, despite the kind of escalatory fears....
#clusterbombs #depleteuranium #du #russia #ukraine #theUK
From March 11, 2022 but the article comes to mind lots:
> A negotiated settlement is, it seems, unacceptable to the UK, who are willing to fight Russia, as the saying goes, down to the last Ukrainian; their vision was spelled out by Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, who told Sky News that the conflict could last ‘years’ and the UK needs to be ‘prepared for a very long haul’.
#TheLastUkranian #Counterpunch #DanGlazebrook #LisTruss #TheUK #Ukraine #Russia
#russia #ukraine #theUK #listruss #DanGlazebrook #counterpunch #thelastukranian
The British coronation is serving a French dish, steak and kidney pie isn't good enough?
A strawberry and ginger trifle for dessert is very British.
#KingCharles #Coronation #british #theUK
Just listened to the #BBCNewscast Brexit anniversary episode. #TheUK and what it wants was spoken about at length as you might expect. Not one single solitary mention of #Scotland. Not even in the passing. WE have become the Elephant.
@jane_inprogress @buxros @BremainInSpain
You have a point. If nothing else #Labour could promise to open talks with #TheEU over rejoining the single market. I do not see a reason why the EU would say no to be honest. It benefits both sides if #TheUK is committed to freedom of movement and the same regulations over goods and services as the EU. After all goods and services would more freely flow into the UK as well as out of it.
Dark afternoons in Central London
#photography #england #london #theUK #underground
Marie Médard
French Resistance, WW2
France had fallen to The Nazis. French-Jews were ordered to wear Yellow Star Armband. Médard voluntarily wore an armband to protest The Nazis. She smuggled Jewish children out of The Holocaust to safe-houses.
Recruited to be a British Spy. Captured by The Nazis & suffered extreme torture. She refused to give up the secret information. Sent to Ravensbrück Camp. Survived.
#WW2 #France #Mastodon #Histodons #Jews #Nazis #TheHolocaust #TheUK #History
#History #theUK #TheHolocaust #nazis #jews #histodons #Mastodon #France #ww2
Did you know in WW2 that Nazi Germany, The British Empire and Fascist Italy; had committed massacres of Israeli-Jewish and Jewish children?
#WW2 #TheHolocaust #Israel #Germany #TheUK #Italy #Mastodon #Histodons #Nazis #Fascists
#fascists #nazis #histodons #Mastodon #Italy #theUK #Germany #Israel #TheHolocaust #ww2
Commander Yohai Ben-Nun
Israeli Resistance, WW2
Naval Commander
As The British Empire blockaded Israel to ban Jews from leaving The Holocaust to Israel. He joined the Resistance.
As Britain bombed Jewish refugee flotillas in The Mediterranean Sea. It was his job break the blockade and protect the Jewish refugees.
After WW2, as Britain began massacring Israeli-Jewish children, he led Naval Forces against British Forces.
#WW2 #TheHolocaust #Nazis #Britain #Histodon #History #TheUK #Israel
#Israel #theUK #History #histodon #britain #nazis #TheHolocaust #ww2
Sadly at this point I would need an #AllOverBodyHeatPad to really benefit from it. It started in my hips years ago but now it would be a lot quicker to list the joints that don't experience pain whenever it is cold or their is moisture in the air. The latter is a real pain as I live in #TheUK.
Please follow my #spotify playlist ‘Off Air’
Featuring lots of modern #alternative #music from Fever Ray to Barry Can’t Swim to Fred Again to Aldous Harding and lots of emerging artists from #ireland #theUK and beyond. 🕺
Updated Monthly with the best new tunes!
#electronic #hyperpop #altpop #AltFolk #indie #supportartists #supportplaylisters #synthpop #newmusic
#spotify #alternative #music #ireland #theUK #electronic #hyperpop #altpop #AltFolk #indie #supportartists #supportplaylisters #synthpop #newmusic
Please follow my #spotify playlist ‘Off Air’
Featuring lots of modern #alternative #music from Fever Ray to Barry Can’t Swim to Fred Again to Aldous Harding and lots of emerging artists from #ireland #theUK and beyond. 🕺
Updated Monthly with the best new tunes!
#electronic #hyperpop #altpop #AltFolk #indie #supportartists #supportplaylisters #synthpop #newmusic
#spotify #alternative #music #ireland #theUK #electronic #hyperpop #altpop #AltFolk #indie #supportartists #supportplaylisters #synthpop #newmusic
Someone recently suggested to me that #TheUK is not a wealthy nation, it is a poor nation with some very wealthy individuals living there. I think there is a lot of truth to that, and not just because the person who said it is my wife.
The British Economy is taking a pounding with a worsening recession. Following #Brexit, badly managed COVID Lockdown and the “Truss Budget”. I’m surprised British people are soo quiet.
#Britain #British #TheUK #theUnitedKingdom #England #Scotland #Wales #NorthernIreland #Economics #Mastodon #Fediverse
#Fediverse #Mastodon #economics #NorthernIreland #Wales #scotland #england #theUnitedKingdom #theUK #british #britain #Brexit
The U.K. is experiencing large outbreaks of Scarlet-Fever, Diphtheria, Strawberry-Tongue, Polio, Scabies and Meningitis.
#UK #UnitedKingdom #theUnitedKingdom #England #Wales #Scotland #NorthernIreland #London #Outbreak #ScarletFever #Diphtheria #Polio #Meningitis #Scabies #TheUK #BreakingNews
#breakingnews #theUK #scabies #Meningitis #polio #diphtheria #ScarletFever #outbreak #London #NorthernIreland #scotland #Wales #england #theUnitedKingdom #unitedkingdom #UK
The U.K. is going into a significant recession.
The Government, states it must make the hard decisions (“eye-watering”) and bring back austerity, which collapsed British Healthcare ( #NHS ), Social Care and Social Services.
The Collapse of these services has led to tens of thousands of death, rapidly rising absolute poverty with child hunger.
The U.K. is also one of the main Tax-Havens in the world.
#TheUnitedKingdom #UK #TheUK #Britain #England #Scotland #Wales #NorthernIreland
#NorthernIreland #Wales #scotland #england #britain #theUK #UK #theUnitedKingdom #nhs
Bitcoin Pound Sterling Volume Soars To ATH Amid Currency Crisis
#prolongedstructuralmispricing #arbitrageopportunities #theUnitedKingdom #TheWeeklyUpdate #arcaneresearch #PoundSterling #Russianruble #BTCGBPpair #Incentives #bitfinex #Bitcoin #btcgbp #dollar #ETHGBP #ruble #theUK
#prolongedstructuralmispricing #arbitrageopportunities #theUnitedKingdom #TheWeeklyUpdate #ArcaneResearch #poundsterling #russianruble #BTCGBPpair #incentives #bitfinex #bitcoin #btcgbp #DOLLAR #ETHGBP #ruble #theUK