WHAT A DIFFERENCE a fortnight makes!

During the "coup attempt" by the last month, became something of a darling of .

It seems that the prospect of ending exports to , a in , with the possible help of Wagner, was a bit too much for to handle?

The boss is said to have been killed in a attack today.

#wagnergroup #prigozhin #legacymedia #Niger #Uranium #france #colonialpower #africa #theWest #wagner #militarydrone #nuclearIndustry #nuclear

Last updated 1 year ago

The fiveEyes West and its partners have built a system that has no hope of sustaining itself, without expansionist and aggressive foreign policy. What is different since 2020 is that, today, even the people in are aware of this.

We've been choosing for three years now.

No one over 35 years of age and of sound mind can claim to not understand how ruthlessly bad our leaders are.

Since 2020, ignorance is willfulness and complicity.


Last updated 1 year ago

Someone from South Africa was on Hard Talk. He said he was pro-Putin because he is anti-imperialist. Putin wants to resurrect the Russian Empire. He says countries like Ukraine have no right to exist. Whether you need to be anti-US etc or not to be anti-imperialist you can't be anti-Imperialist and be pro-Putin.

#Putin #imperialism #russia #southafrica #BBCHardTalk #us #theWest #antiimperialism #empire

Last updated 1 year ago


> It implies the technology can only be broken from the outside.

Since 2021 they've been heavily attacking so-called on-ramps into bitcoin. They see this as stemming bitcoin adoption. This means banks and currency are attacked.

The difference between how does it and a country like deal with bitcoin is illuminating. China openly ban. The create a story, a mythology, a narrative, to reinforce notions of a outcome.

#exchanges #theWest #china #usa #freemarket

Last updated 2 years ago

We have just entered into a 12-step-program to get us off our addiction making refugees.

Signed by The West

Lol kidding. More military bases encircling the globe, war, , coups, and creation of "" to make desperate in the planning.


#colourRevolutions #PushFactors #refugees #MICIMATT #12stepprogram #theWest #refugeeProducer #kevinruddcouplite #keepwatchingcounterintelligence

Last updated 2 years ago

Slogan for .

Destroying populations abroad to bring back refugee , since 19-- err, 18-- err, forever.

#theWest #fruitpickers #megacities #slavery #neofeudalism #townPlanning #bigoil

Last updated 2 years ago

DecodĂŻngTrolls · @decodingtrolls
3396 followers · 800 posts · Server mastodon.world

âšĄïž's Comedic Turn.
Offering light-relief during an otherwise desultory week Muscovy wants security guarantees from "."
While in mid- against the people, Muscovy wants a "guarantee" that it can continue genocide with impunity.
continues to negotiate for bilateral security guarantee treaties to protect it from Muscovy with , , & .

BonusđŸ§”: twitter.com/decodingtrolls/sta

#Muscovy #theWest #genocide #ukrainian #ukraine #poland #us #uk #france

Last updated 2 years ago

Baba B · @Babab
1 followers · 9 posts · Server masthead.social

Watching a YouTube video about forms of government and they made a comment about Athens being the oldest direct democracy. But haven’t we recognized that there were vast, sophisticated civ. in N., C., & S. America, all over Africa, and Oceania? Didn’t colonizing Europeans actively destroy evidence of how sophisticated these civ. were? So we can’t really be sure, but I’m willing to bet that there are plenty of examples of direct democracy before Athens

#colonizers #theWest #republic #democracy

Last updated 2 years ago

Baba B · @Babab
1 followers · 9 posts · Server masthead.social

Was watching a YouTube video about forms of government and they made a comment about Athens being the oldest wide scale direct democracy. But aren’t we done talking like this? Haven’t we recognized that we (meaning the global north & “the west”) that there were vast, sophisticated civilizations in central & South America, all over Africa, and Oceania? Didn’t colonizing Europeans actively destroy evidence of how sophisticated these civilizations were?

#colonizers #theWest #republic #democracy

Last updated 2 years ago

@lunavives @alessiodangelo @tanjabueltmann


Refugees very often produced by funneling weapons to extremists. It filled us with disdain to realise the same playbook was and is used in since 2014. We personally saw an move to Ukraine to join a regimen in 2015/16, via , swiftly opening a and remarried.

Migration might be nothing to some with mobility. For the vast majority this won't be the case.

#theWest #ukraine #australian #nazi #facebookgroups #travelagency

Last updated 2 years ago

There is much furore in about ex-PM subverting democratic processes during .

You could have gaslit us!

Australia, and generally, has **not** been a democracy for a while, but an autocracy. Funny how anyone who says this is classified a "conspiracy theorist".

#australia #scottmorrison #covid #OREALLY #theWest #ImprisonList #autocracy #jobkeeper #moneyPrinterGoDrr #bigpharma

Last updated 2 years ago

The West is poisoning its environment and popn with toxic firefighting chemicals, non-stick chemicals, herbicides and pesticides, fungicides. Toxic and pollutive web services. It also drops dirty bombs that do genetic damage. Also gets into and fuels countless conflicts.

Quick lets focus our ppls attention on this stupid new thing.

They call the west the United States of Amnesia for a reason.

#unitedStatesOfAmnesia #theWest #possiblyCarcinogenic

Last updated 2 years ago

aiquez · @aiquez
114 followers · 3110 posts · Server troet.cafe

By the way we don't actively read (anymore). We saw the news on an outlet that is being attacked by and inaccessible over Tor and no longer indexed by archive.org.

When make claims (today) that they are signing a pact to have a "", we shudder.

It was called , tosscots.

#TheAmazonGuadian #theWest #australia #DemocraticInternet #netneutrality

Last updated 3 years ago

While that is a good abstracted "effect of fascism" the story is simple.

> Facism is the melding of govt with .

In the case of , the most fascism over the generations has stemmed from and finance, but we see big , BigPharma, and a MilitaryIndustrialComplex, as unwieldy and extremely dangerous bedfellows with govt.

Natural monopolies should only be govt managed.

#bigBusiness #theWest #banking #propertyDevelopers #cageFam #naturalMonopolies #MICIMATT #bigpharma

Last updated 3 years ago

We don't like to reference but according to even a article last year, 17000 foreign fighters have come to over the past six years from over 50 countries.

Some of them were reportedly associated with attacks in including the massacre.

THAT'S SEVENTEEN THOUSAND PSYCHOPATHS being positioned next door to you by — who really don't like your ideas on .

#MurdochRags #timemagazine #ukraine #terror #theWest #christchurch #banksters #banking #extremeright #whereDidAllThePunchANaziPeopleGo #nz

Last updated 3 years ago

Circular software

Renewable software

Sustainable software.

Regenerative software.

You can't get to roll their tongue for . They are too lazy, or proud.
@z428 @freedcreative@merveilles.town

#theWest #softwarefreedom

Last updated 3 years ago


Do we think the oppressive (to put it mildly) lessons of learned by Israel (and other murderous regimes) against the cannot be used to oppress in other places, including .

What's good for the goose is be good for the gander?

Boycott, divest and sanction — its a tough decision for all involved but this continual theft and murder, idiocy connot continue.

#apartied #palestinians #cityDwellers #theWest #bds

Last updated 3 years ago

Because God knows we need more (and wider) .

#roads #theWest

Last updated 3 years ago

Also, ppl have been saying to bring value-added back for 10+ years and were looked upon as Neanderthals because some wellConnected were making a lot of money and securing lucrative deals.

These people should now be in for but they have returned here and do the opposite and .

The real crooks speak out of both sides of their mouth. So no matter which side wins (in ) they, and their , are safe.

#bankers #dedeveloping #theWest #migration #prison #sabotage #chinaBait #war #assets

Last updated 3 years ago