@grandfubar @mastodonmigration Zuck is entering the #Fediverse whether we like it or not. #Theads will probably have between 150 million to 250 million by the time they activate #ActivityPub.
#Facebook (with 3 billion users), has not begun heavy promotion of Threads yet, but #Instagram (with 2.3 billion users) has started to slightly promote Threads.
What we need to do right now is make sure our instances can handle the extra “pinging” from #Meta’s servers.
#fediverse #theads #activitypub #facebook #instagram #meta
#Theads de Meta (facebook)
je suis trop satisfait j'ai réussi à l'installer !! 🤩
je ne dis pas que le réseau social twitter ringard & terminé.
je dis juste que le réseau social Twitter est assez ringard & sans espérance et que je n'ai plus envie d'y aller.
bref, là je sais que c'est Facebook, enfin Instagram (élément identifiable pour activer son compte). ⬇️
That #theads thing made me want to still continue to maintain this instance. I'll go back to self-hosting if necessary. Even managing a small instance is an headache but it's worth it and I refuse to be in the stats of those instances going dark
#theads #tootedca #takethatzuky #decentralized #homelab #fediadmin
Aprovechando el lanzamiento de #Theads os informo que tengo invitación para el #CieloAzul.
Habla ahora o calla para siempre
Have seen this shared many this over the past days. For the uninitiated, does this mean Threads App automatically gets access to, say, your Contacts and Health & Fitness from your device without you doing anything further? #Theads #ThreadsApp
@vantablack Soooo basically #Meta wants access to your info and stats even before they get access to your info and stats on #Theads. Hard pass. 😑
@wurzelmann erstmal blocke ich Personen, keine Instanzen. Außer, #theads würde das Fediverse überschwemmen mit lauter rechten Vollpfosten, dann werde ich nochmal überlegen (aber die sollten sich ja auf Twitter jetzt heimisch fühlen).
Mir ist es nicht wichtig, daß es hier klein und kuschelig bleibt, ich mag auch Reichweitenerhöhung. Wie gesagt, mal schauen.
Das Schöne ist ja, jede*r kann selber entscheiden.