Michael Smart · @smartatarc
85 followers · 272 posts · Server mastodon.au

@HardBeingGreen When I stopped getting the printed "Age" newspaper a few years ago (after a lifetime since I was a kid), I kept reading the online version of the printed edition because I wanted to support the editors and journalists who put it together every day into a curated professional publication.

But since Nine took over, that professionalism has become badly eroded.


Last updated 1 year ago

Chiel G, Nevele · @nevele
85 followers · 140 posts · Server aus.social

I’ve seen a few posts over the last couple of weeks about how to get away from the environment. Many users are likely already people who have fled from one evil empire or another. ;-)

I too have been trying to remove myself from Amazons ecosystem as much as possible over the last year, especially since a lot of my reading was done via and and my reviews through

If anyone is interested these are my current alternatives to these services

My favourite Goodreads alternative:

, A bit less cluncky than Goodreads and has an app that works, some insightful stats and graphs about your reading habits, and certainly better recommendations. And unlike Goodreads, this is being improved continuously

Website: app.thestorygraph.com/
Android: play.google.com/store/apps/det
Apple: apps.apple.com/us/app/storygra

My favourite Audible alternative:

Just opened in this WEEK, from all over the world, and you’re supporting your local Australian (picked by the user themself!)
Website: libro.fm/
Android: play.google.com/store/apps/det
Apple: apps.apple.com/app/libro-fm/id

My favourite Kindle alternative:

Almost all the books Amazon Kindle has as well, plus that one especially nice feature that Kobo devices have built right in — allowing you to check out free library directly from your device.


And touching on that last Overdrive bit, check with your library where you have access to. Via my I have access to (Thousands of Newspapers and Magazines) and (ebooks for e-readers) and even to the Library Edition of

I am VERY keen to hear others recommendations on better alternatives!

#amazon #mastodon #audible #kindle #goodreads #StoryGraph #librofm #australia #drmfree #audiobooks #bookstores #kobo #overdrive #ebooks #maribyrnong #libraries #pressreader #BorrowBox #libby #theage #books #book #audiobook #ebook #nomoreamazon #bookstodon #reading #mastobooks

Last updated 1 year ago

Mori · @mori
254 followers · 4080 posts · Server mastodon.au


#auspol #dyson #theage

Last updated 1 year ago

Democracy Spot aka "Eddie" · @DemocracySpot
586 followers · 7475 posts · Server mstdn.social

:ms_shooting_star: "Hello, Possums!" | comedy legend —best known for his character —has passed. He's less well-known in the US than in Australia, Britain and Canada, but many of us not-straight US Americans have adored him for years.

makes a proper introduction and shares some highlights of Humphries' career.

A second famous short clip follows in comments.


#allthat #Artist #drag #satirist #actor #character #comedy #theage #dameedna #larryhumphries #aussie

Last updated 2 years ago

StephenC · @StephenC
290 followers · 3314 posts · Server aus.social

@John the findings on are interesting. It turns out the majority support reported by is not at all clear cut, especially when the cost of the subs is considered

#AUKUS #theage

Last updated 2 years ago

RT Prof Jenny Hocking @palaceletters on Twitter:

"Journalists eviscerated by Paul Keating's piercing analysis now desperately trying to make it all about the Labor party not them... 'A cyclone through the labor party' ...their hyperbole continues."

#auspol #media #smh #theage #nine #journalism

Last updated 2 years ago

"The complete lack of curiosity among Nine’s editors and journalists about Costello’s active role in the Liberal Party, while also serving as Nine’s chairman, raises questions about the credibility of Nine’s outlets, and the freedom of Nine’s journalists to investigate public interest stories without fear of reprisal.

"It is high time for Nine’s journalists to speak out. The long list of ‘mistakes’ that benefit the Liberal Party, the uneven coverage, and convenient excuses by Costello’s Nine continue to mount. "


#media #smh #theage #nine

Last updated 2 years ago

The dry old National Press Club's weekly talk has been turned on its head as Paul Keating destroys a string of journalists who foolishly chose to put confrontational questions to him to stroke their egos, rather than do their job - seek information.

They really are pathetic, as are their mastheads.

Watch the fireworks here... youtu.be/Bg0pMSe4W4U

#auspol #auspol2023 #media #newscorp #keating #npc #newscorpse #murdochracy #smh #theage

Last updated 2 years ago

AngrySexagenarian · @PetraPanda
56 followers · 736 posts · Server mastodon.au

If you're reading and expect competent journalism, you are not going to get lucky.


Last updated 2 years ago

Artizanne · @artizanne
83 followers · 1034 posts · Server mstdn.social
Gold Coast Shame · @thegoldy
4 followers · 47 posts · Server aus.social

"Even so, in recent years the Coalition tightened up the repayment arrangements in ways that make the scheme less fair, particularly for those working part-time. But, as Warburton says, Labor can fix this."

#theage #hecs #help #studentdebt #australia #taxation

Last updated 2 years ago

PSiReN-X · @PSiReN
3 followers · 810 posts · Server vmst.io


... well... ...

Back in the before had been invented; was ...

of decided that was and for to and at one another, instead...

And, then there was ...


🧙⚔️ 🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🎠🦹🦄🦹🎠☕

Justin Timberlake live at the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest


#fairplay #ok #eurovision #longlongago #mtv #europe #atwar #greatluminaries #theage #it #morecruel #unusual #thenationsofeurope #cometogether #singincomprehensiblesongs #justinbimblebottom #haveabiscuit

Last updated 2 years ago

Jake Coppinger · @jakecoppinger
130 followers · 57 posts · Server aus.social

Today Emily Day, writing for The Age newspaper (Fairfax) compared the opinion of hating a football team with killing cyclists using a 4WD car for fun, as if they are equivalent and accepted opinions in Australia.

Absolutely shameful journalism, and a shocking reflection of Australia’s car culture that this might be considered funny. In 2032, 11 Victorians were killed by car drivers according to Bicycle Network.

It has since been edited out but the original exists at web.archive.org/web/2023010918

First shared by @liveable_melb

#theage #fairfax #emilyday #cyclists #roadviolence #visionzero #melbourne

Last updated 2 years ago

· @ajft
128 followers · 1023 posts · Server aus.social

Ah, love it when edgy news editors jokingly suggest killing me for fun "...whether cyclists should be allowed to exist peacefully or be target practice for urban four-wheel drivers.."

Emily Day, you can fuck right off

You'd be in a world of pain if you printed "catholics" or "indians" (random eg) but apparently some groups are fair game

#cycling #melbourne #theage

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron Dodd · @AaronDodd
2480 followers · 1283 posts · Server mastodon.au

@PaulHeywood My view is skews slightly right, especially since took over. If you look at the graph it could be slightly right and still be defined within the range of "centre".

#theage #petercostello

Last updated 2 years ago

👻ghost_shit💩 · @ghost_shit
257 followers · 2078 posts · Server aus.social

'There are some very fine people on both sides of human trafficking" is not a sentence you hear very often.


Last updated 2 years ago

@tofugolem @dangillmor
The world is screwed up because all media became main stream no matter how clueless and useless they were/are and those stenographers from etc are of particular lack of interest to anyone with half a brain.

#sydneymorningherald #theage #theaustralian #hobartmercury

Last updated 2 years ago

It's that time of year when Victorian students get their results. "The Age" newspaper always highlights the excellent results of private schools - that's what money can buy, folks. Stop private school subsidies and fund public schools appropriately

#VCE #theage

Last updated 2 years ago

Chiel G, Nevele · @nevele
35 followers · 36 posts · Server aus.social

So what I personally find incredible interesting about the last and even more so the fallout that came from it, is the huge blunders made by the and their propaganda machine at and the in particular, but also by many more media outlets and fringe parties.

And that is that they thought they could decide the debate and talking points of this election.

But the journalists over at had done quite a bit of research in where the people of Victoria wanted to talk about:


For those who haven't read it, the picture shows the top issues: Integrity, Health, Environment, Transport, Cost Of Living, Education.

Looking at the 'winners' of the last election (The Nationals, the Socialists, The Greens, even the ALP a bit) these were the parties actually actively debating these issues and didn't keep themselves too busy with 'the steps the premier fell off.'

It actually gives me a bit of hope for the future that we might be discussing the citizen's agenda going forward and not pay attention to what Murdoch says the discourse would be.

Like what is happening now. Another attack on wokeness, battling against the Voice to Parliament.

I have discussions in my local - my - and these are not the discussions going on. But Cost Of Living and Rail-lines are.

#vicelection #viclibs #skynewsaus #heraldsun #theage #thirdplace #auspol

Last updated 2 years ago