💪This is a reminder..
Walk boldly into a brand New Year with a can do attitude... smash those insecurities!
Sometimes you have to switch things up to make a situation where all seems lost something vibrant & new.
This is very true of my new college journey!
Don't let anyone dampen your spirit or joy.
This life is yours for the making.
Leave a big YOU shaped stamp on the world & show them what you're made of! 💪
#mentalhealth #maturestudent #OpenUniversity #theagedbutterfly
#theagedbutterfly #openuniversity #maturestudent #mentalhealth
The same principles apply whether facing a life challenge, or making radical life changes.
"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." ~ Arthur Ashe
Perseverance, and fierce determination are the friends of the College student, and really anyone facing struggle. #TheAgedButterfly