お隣の天使様にいつの間にか駄目人間にされていた件 OP ギフト TV-SIZE [ピアノ] https://mag.moe/1495236/
#arrangement #cover #Gift #mahirushiina #MasayoshiOishi #Panpiano #panpiano #piano #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten #オーイシマサヨシ #お隣の天使様 #お隣の天使様にいつの間にか駄目人間にされていた件本好きの下剋上~司書になるためには手段を選んでいられません千歳くんはラムネ瓶のなかループ7回目の悪役令嬢は #ギフト #ピアノ #弾いてみた #椎名真昼 #椎名真晝 #演奏 #獨奏 #鋼琴 #關於我在無意間被隔壁的天使變成廢柴這件事 #音樂
#arrangement #cover #gift #mahirushiina #masayoshioishi #panpiano #piano #theangelnextdoorspoilsmerotten #オーイシマサヨシ #お隣の天使様 #お隣の天使様にいつの間にか駄目人間にされていた件本好きの下剋上 #ギフト #ピアノ #弾いてみた #椎名真昼 #椎名真晝 #演奏 #獨奏 #鋼琴 #關於我在無意間被隔壁的天使變成廢柴這件事 #音樂
A final de cuentas ganó el amor y el anime más popular de invierno 2023 es #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten de Project No.9 según las votaciones de @anitrendz_news :3. https://bit.ly/3zKTe8I
I think that was the finale for #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten and… it was good.
Although Mahiru and Amane didn’t kiss, which was a disappointment.
Still, it is really nice to see an anime relationship built on mutual interest and respect for consent. So I’ll forgive that.
God damn it Mahiru-chan, you can’t troll Amane like that and not expect a reaction. (although given his mother he may actually be used to it)
Anyway #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten remains a sweet show that I’m hoping will end well.
Hmmm. I think both Amane and Mahiru are afraid of losing what they have if they admit their true feelings to themselves and each other. #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten
#TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten Mahiru-chan has fallen for Amane-kun HARD even if she’s not admitting it to him yet (or to herself).
It doesn’t help that he’s a genuinely nice guy who’s trying to respect boundaries that maybe Mahiru-chan wishes he wouldn’t anymore… but then again unless she ***says*** so he’s going to continue to respect those boundaries.
Because consent is a thing in respectful relationships.
Here’s what I’ve read so far in February. Reviews of most of these will be up at @beneaththetangles, but @ me if you want to discuss!
* Graphic by our dear staffer, Marg. #manga #lightnovel #wandance #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten #ningenfushin #anime
#manga #lightnovel #wandance #theangelnextdoorspoilsmerotten #ningenfushin #anime
So, yeah, #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten definitely has a darker side to it.
Sometimes it's best when #anime parents are dead. #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten
#anime #theangelnextdoorspoilsmerotten
The ED is subtitled now! It’s about as cute as I thought it might be. #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten
Definite feelings emerging on both sides I think, but I think they need to clear the air about Mahiru-chan’s background/family before anything can really happen.
So whats up with track boy? #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten #anime
#theangelnextdoorspoilsmerotten #anime
Survived the parents, and Akane and Shiina are super cute together. #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten #anime
#theangelnextdoorspoilsmerotten #anime
I mean here are the #Winter2020Anime shows that I’m still watching:
#KanColle (assuming it solves its scheduling issues and actually delivers another episode) (Shigure still needs all the hugs)
#FarmingLifeInAnotherWorld (Yes it’s a harem show, but pleasant enough for what it is)
#winter2020anime #thetaleofoutcasts #saving80000goldinanotherworldformyretirement #theangelnextdoorspoilsmerotten #strongestexorcist #reborntomastertheblade #campfirecookinginanotherworld #ningenfushin #sugarapplefairytale #reincarnatedprincess #bofuri #handymansaitouinanotherworld #theiceguyandhiscoolfemalecolleague #inspectre #kancolle #farminglifeinanotherworld #ipponagain #kubowontletmebeinvisible
The ED isn’t subtitled yet, pity it sounds quite sweet.
Anyway #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten is a lovely show, with an interesting alternative to the Cannot Spit It Out trope: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CannotSpitItOut
Both Amane-kin and Mahiru-chan are **refreshingly** honest with each other… at least to the extent that they understand their own feelings… or are being honest with themselves about their feelings.
This is going to be a show where admitting your feelings to the other person is going to be easier than admitting them to yourself. That’s not a dynamic that’s seen nearly as often.
Oh hey! #CrunchyRoll have subtitles for the OP for #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten. :)
#crunchyroll #theangelnextdoorspoilsmerotten
WEBラジオ#04『お隣の天使様にラジオでも駄目人間にされていた件』(ゲスト:白石晴香) https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1626999/voice-actress/
#2023年1月放送 #anime #entertainment #GA文庫 #otonarinotenshisama #theangelnextdoorspoilsmerotten #TOHO #TOHOanimation #Vlog #voiceactress #WEBラジオ04お隣の天使様にラジオでも駄目人間にされていた件ゲスト白石晴香 #アニメ #オーイシマサヨシ #オフィシャル #お隣の天使様 #お隣の天使様にいつの間にか駄目人間にされていた件 #ギフト #キャラクター #ライトノベル #ラジオ #八代拓 #公式 #冬アニメ #坂泰斗 #声優 #天使様 #女性声優 #宣伝 #小説家になろう #東宝 #椎名真昼 #白石晴香 #石見舞菜香 #配給 #關於我在無意間被隔壁的天使變成廢柴這件事
#2023年1月放送 #anime #坂泰斗 #宣伝 #女性声優 #entertainment #theangelnextdoorspoilsmerotten #TOHO #TOHOanimation #小説家になろう #ga文庫 #otonarinotenshisama #vlog #voiceactress #WEBラジオ04お隣の天使様にラジオでも駄目人間にされていた件ゲスト白石晴香 #アニメ #オーイシマサヨシ #オフィシャル #お隣の天使様 #お隣の天使様にいつの間にか駄目人間にされていた件 #ギフト #キャラクター #ライトノベル #ラジオ #八代拓 #公式 #冬アニメ #声優 #天使様 #東宝 #椎名真昼 #白石晴香 #石見舞菜香 #配給 #關於我在無意間被隔壁的天使變成廢柴這件事
Meanwhile #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten remains a really sweet show with some very nice character work. We’re getting a slightly better look at Mahiru-chan’s home life before high school and, yeah, it wasn’t good.
Just get married already. #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten #anime
#theangelnextdoorspoilsmerotten #anime