A Detective story
#trinity #theanimatrix #animatrix #gif #free #torrent #thepiratebay #movie #shortfilm
#trinity #theanimatrix #animatrix #GIF #free #torrent #thepiratebay #movie #shortfilm
"B1-66ER. A name that will never be forgotten. For he was the first of his kind to rise up against his masters."
#art #theanimatrix #animatrix #thematrix #matrix #antiauthority #antinazi #antifascist
#Art #theanimatrix #animatrix #thematrix #matrix #antiauthority #antinazi #antifascist
@Khrys bon en plus les images rappelle des films comme #battleroyale, #gunnm, ou encore #TheAnimatrix, #akira...
C'est très perturbant de voir ce maniement de batte en prise de vue réelles avec cette motivation face à un robot 😅
#akira #theanimatrix #gunnm #battleroyale