As a Dad theres always some, er, mistakes in these reports, as seen here in my #AppleMusic #AlbumOfTheYear / #AlbumsOfTheYear by plays:
1 Sing 2 • Various Artists
2 When the Lights Go • #TotallyEnormousExtinctDinosaurs
3 Prioritise Pleasure • #SelfEsteem
4 Paradise Again • #SwedishHouseMafia
5 Kidz Bop 2020 • #KIDZBOPKids
6 Dropout Boogie • #TheBlackKeys
7 Headful of Sugar • #SunflowerBean
8 Surrender • #MaggieRogers
9 WE • #TheArcadeFire
10 Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You • #BigThief
#applemusic #AlbumOfTheYear #albumsoftheyear #totallyenormousextinctdinosaurs #selfesteem #swedishhousemafia #kidzbopkids #theblackkeys #sunflowerbean #maggierogers #thearcadefire #bigthief
Following on, my #AppleMusic #ArtistOfTheYear by minutes listened are here:
1 #Pomplamoose
2 #SelfEsteem
3 #TheBlackKeys
4 #TheBeatles
5 #BigThief
6 #Warpaint
7 #EverythingEverything
9 #Foals
10 #TheArcadeFire
#applemusic #artistoftheyear #pomplamoose #selfesteem #theblackkeys #thebeatles #bigthief #warpaint #everythingeverything #Chvrches #foals #thearcadefire
on my old iphone (which i have used as the music in my car for years), i have a band called arcade fire and a band called THE arcade fire. #Music #ArcadeFire #TheArcadeFire
#thearcadefire #arcadefire #music