> I don't think art is propaganda; it should be something that frees the soul, provokes imagination, and encourages people to go further. He celebrates humanity instead of manipulating it.
--- Keith King
I don't know who #KeithKing is but this quote is nice, to celebrate instead of manipulate, words to live by. The quote came along with a bright orange and yellow painting. I didn't see any brands or ads in the work.. #Art #TheArtist
> I don't think art is propaganda; it should be something that frees the soul, provokes imagination, and encourages people to go further. He celebrates humanity instead of manipulating it.
--- Keith King
I don't know who #KeithKing is but this quote is nice, to celebrate instead of manipulate, words to live by. The quote came along with a bright orange and yellow painting. I didn't see any brands or ads in the work.. #Art #TheArtist
The Artist
Vor einigen Tagen habe ich diesen Film zum ersten Mal seit der Kinoaufführung damals gesehen. Ich fand ihn noch genauso großartig. Diese liebevolle Machart, die fantastischen Schauspieler, die verschiedenen Emotionen, einfach toll. Hatte den lange vor mir hergeschoben, weil ich dachte, dass ich beim zweiten Sehen bestimmt enttäuscht bin.
Gesehen auf filmfriend.de.
#Filmgesehen #film #theartist #filmfriend
RT @sinKEVitch
Remembering the Icon.
The Legend.
On what would have been his 64th birthday. #PrinceRogersNelson #TheArtist (formerly known as Prince)
Rest in Power.
#prince #PrinceRogersNelson #theartist
RT by @wwwcdorg: Samedi soir, pour sa deuxième prestation dans la nouvelle émission de Nagui « #TheArtist », Di#se, le rappeur de #Quimper, est arrivé deuxième sur dix ! Petit débriefe pour ceux qui n’ont pas suivi l’émission. @Nagui
https://www.letelegramme.fr/finistere/quimper/le-rappeur-quimperois-di-se-selectionne-pour-la-troisieme-manche-de-the-artist-sur-france-2-video-19-09-2021-12829111.php http://nitter.fdn.fr/TLGQuimper/status/1439563757710192648#m