I was editing in 1 tiny scene into the middle of my book and accidentally added 2 chapters.
This is how you know a story is taking a life of its own.
The main character of #theartofgods is Jattel. This is the only constant character name I have had through the years of writing this story. There is one other, but that name won't even enter the scene until book 2 at the very earliest.
Out is the 31 chapter of #theartofgods , I have managed to do the final editing for only 4 chapters before realizing it's time to rewrite some and add yet another one....
https://theartofgods.com isn't great yet, but it really isn't looking all that bad...
... I have been figuring out how in the world to get different parts if this theme working right.
"Waves crashing against a hollow shore. A raven caws in the distance. A cold wind sweeps across the surface of the black sea, sending sprays of icy droplets over the fleeting warmth in Jattel's body. A scrape of skiff against jagged stone beneath. He cracked open his eyes to see a gray light stretching across the sky. Thud and scrape jarred him awake. The chaffing of salty skin in the dry winter let him know that he was alive. Were those hooves clattering on the stones?"
That moment when you are editing and realize that you are going to have to change everything for about 10 chapters.... ugh....
One of the greatest influences in the world of #Vythafjora in #theartofgods has been the poem called #TheVoluspa which can be found in #ThePoeticEdda.
Not only that, but the language I have been writing, the foundation of the whole story, was so greatly influenced by the stories of the Icelanders and the Anglo-Saxons and the Northern Tribes of Europe.
#ThePoeticEdda #TheVoluspa #theartofgods #Vythafjora
While I edit #theartofgods, I get distracted. For instance, I am currently editing a version, a simplified version, of the #poeticedda for republishing as well. I would like to setup a store, of sorts on my book website to also sell versions of the Poetic Edda, which is one book that influenced my own story immensely.
#theartofgods is a project I've been working on for so long. It has sort of become a part of my daily routine to think about it and to try to work out different plot problems while I'm not doing anything.
But now I am almost finished with book one, I am thinking about website building and marketing. Where to sell it and so on.
It is a little frightening and exciting.
Working on the #theartofgods website:
It has nearly nothing on it right now. Just a blog of sorts that I just have a "hello world" post on.
But hopefully in the coming weeks, I'll build that out to be a great site for my readers. I have a lot of plans for the site.
When I first started writing, wordpad was all I had. I had an old HP Desktop with Windows XP on it. Since then I discovered #vim. I enjoy vim, but I'm writing #theartofgods with #libreoffice these days and I haven't owned a Windows computer in like 15 years or something. It's crazy how things change.
#libreoffice #theartofgods #vim
I'm about to buy a Wacom Bamboo tablet for the runes of #Vytha, the ancient language found in my upcoming first book, #theartofgods
Been meaning to do this for years.
#TheArtofGods needs a book cover.
Anyone want to volunteer to help me? I never actually expect responses to posts like this, but I figure I should throw it out there and just see.
Otherwise I will be doing the art for it... And I don't know if anyone wants that. Hehehe
When I finally finish editing book one of #TheArtofGods it will be #drmfree
I am currently figuring out where I can sell it as such. All self published. I have emailed 4 stores to get a publishing schedule worked out. Once we all agree on a day and such, that will give me a hard timeline when I actually have to buckle down and muscle through the last of the editing.
When #TheArtofGods comes out, I will accept #Monero and #Bitcoin for it at a massive discount.
What I have to figure out is how to just let people name their own price for it and they can decide how much they want to pay... Including zero.
#bitcoin #monero #theartofgods
The book I hope to finish by Christmas is the first in a series I am calling The Art of Gods.
I have been writing different parts of this story for 17 years in total. It was only about 4 years ago that I realized how expansive the story of my main character, #Jattel of Svartyr, really was.
It is in the #Fantasy genre, I believe, complete with a map of the world, a language(which was the starting point for this whole saga), and a deep mythology and history working - 1/2
#fantasy #Jattel #theartofgods