Cloud Flowers' (enamel-glass / cut copper plate)
'Mushrooms were the roses in the garden of that unseen world, because the real mushroom plant was underground. The parts you could see - what most people called a mushroom - was just a brief apparition. A cloud flower.' (Margaret Atwood, The Year of the Flood)
#mushroomart #theartofmushrooms #fantasticfungi #mushrooms #observations #experiences & #fairytales #cloudflowers
#cloudflowers #fairytales #experiences #observations #mushrooms #fantasticfungi #theartofmushrooms #mushroomart #ArtAdventCalendar
The magical world we live in ... (Nr.2)
This (second) pencil drawing is based on my own observations, of different stages of one slime mold species, the comatricha nigra. It was fun to do, I will definitely make more of these kinds of drawings. Maybe for a book of as a study for a larger painting ...
This drawing is a tribute to #slimemold #myxomycetes #entangledlife #slimemoldart #theartofmushrooms #appearances #disappearances & #fairytales
#fairytales #disappearances #appearances #theartofmushrooms #slimemoldart #EntangledLife #myxomycetes #slimemold