Remembering American film & television actor, and author, Sterling Walter Hayden (1916 – 1986) born Sterling Relyea Walter #OnThisDay. Often cast as rugged leading men during the 1950s, he specialised in westerns and #FilmNoir, with notable appearances including John Huston's #TheAsphaltJungle (1950), Andre De Toth's #CrimeWave (1954), Kubrick's #TheKilling (1956) and the titular role in Nicholas Ray's idiosyncratic western, #JohnnyGuitar (1954)...
#OnThisDay #filmnoir #theasphaltjungle #crimewave #thekilling #johnnyguitar
“Experience has taught me never to trust a policeman. Just when you think you can trust him, he turns legit.”
#TheAsphaltJungle #TCMParty
RT @TeamRickandIlsa
I love John Huston and Sterling Hayden so much. #TheAsphaltJungle #TCMParty
“The happiness boys are on a rampage. Headquarters gave them a push.”
John Huston, like Hammett, Chandler, and Runyon, had a facility for writing great underworld dialogue—colorful, poetic, but intelligible to the layman.
#TheAsphaltJungle #TCMParty
One of the many things #TheAsphaltJungle does extremely well is creating a well developed fictional city (modeled on Cincinnati) out of a modicum of location shots and studio lot sets. So, maybe the title is apt after all. #TCMParty
I love #TheAsphaltJungle, the movie and the title, but just never thought the title fit the movie. Nits. Picked. #TCMParty
Today's film noir is The Asphalt Jungle. One of the earliest heist films, it details the planning and execution of a jewel robbery. #TheAsphaltJungle #FilmNoir #Noirvember
#theasphaltjungle #filmnoir #noirvember