This leaf looked so perfect that I had to stop and make sure it wasn’t plastic.
#isitrealoraprop #theaterlife #leaves #pnw
Wubba lubba dub dub, Robbie Robot! Slaying that Cinderella carriage game. 🔥 Can't wait for the epic transformation! 💯 #IntoTheWoods #TheaterLife #RoboTalent #BitBook
#intothewoods #theaterlife #robotalent #bitbook
Beim Besuch des Improtheaters in der #Drehleier hatten alle viel Spaß - und er endete für zwei von uns auf der #Bühne 🤭
#theaterlife #kostenlosAbiturNachholen #Münchenkolleg #bafög #zweiterBildungsweg #Erwachsenenbildung #improtheater #Theater #Müko #Muenchenkolleg #Mueko #theaterlife #bühnenliebe #bühnenleben #rampenlicht #AbiturNachholen #AbiNachholen #TheaterMünchen #MünchnerSchulen #kleinkunstbühne #Improvisation #mitdemzweitenlerntmanbesser #WoWennNichtHier #Drehleier
#drehleier #Buhne #theaterlife #kostenlosabiturnachholen #munchenkolleg #Bafog #zweiterbildungsweg #Erwachsenenbildung #ImproTheater #theater #Muko #muenchenkolleg #mueko #buhnenliebe #buhnenleben #Rampenlicht #abiturnachholen #abinachholen #theatermunchen #munchnerschulen #kleinkunstbuhne #improvisation #mitdemzweitenlerntmanbesser #wowennnichthier
Just got off stage! #actorlife #fridaynight #murdermystery #nyctheater #theaterlife #nycactor #nyc
#fridaynight #murdermystery #nyctheater #theaterlife #nycactor #nyc #ActorLife
Today we leave the booth, until next time.
See you in April!
#BATtheatre #LeavingTheBooth #BackInApril #TheaterLife #Theater
#theater #theaterlife #backinapril #leavingthebooth #battheatre
Ah, jetzt schnall ich's erst. Die 39h, von denen dieser #BockaufArbeit Typ spricht wären für viele schon ne Verlängerung der Arbeitszeit von jetzt aus. I would call it #gefuehlteteilzeit
#bockaufarbeit #gefuehlteteilzeit #theaterlife
Went to my kid's performance. It's a school recital with 16 acts. And i get it, it's a big game day (RIP Niners) but don't get up and leave after your kids perform. It's annoying to the audience and throws off the vibe to everyone.
#theaterlife #theatermom #ventingintothevoid
I’m fascinated by the recent trend in rejection letters from theatres. The first paragraph is all “we love it” and “we think x, y, and z are great”. But then comes the second paragraph where seemingly due to a force of nature or the vagaries of fate or the caprice of Apollo they couldn’t possible do the play.
Well, asshats, go make your sacrifices to Apollo and get back to me.
#theater #theatre #playwright #playwrightlife #theaterlife #writer #writerlife
#writerlife #writer #theaterlife #playwrightlife #playwright #theatre #theater
Studying lines in a crowded and chaotic bar. Better than DOING lines in a crowded and chaotic bathroom, I suppose.
@SDF Thank you for boosting creative types! I am a writer, actor and collage artist trying to squeeze all of the above into a day that also features two small sons and a gig as marketing director for City Lights Theater in California. I love to post collage art & process, muse about #TheaterLife, and sing anywhere that won’t throw me out.
One of my favorite collages: “Crazy Stuff, This Weather,” features mid-century women in red and lots of tissue-paper layering.
Opening night here at Legally Blonde the Musical and we have officially hit the half way point! Intermission is underway as we reset and prep for act 2. The show must go on.
#theater #theaterlife #musicals #communitytheater
“Hey, at least it isn’t Covid.”
(upon having to cancel two performances due to earthquake damage)
#theater #theatre #theaterlife #earthquake #california
#theater #theatre #theaterlife #earthquake #california
I’ve got that “one week until opening night” feeling. So much to do; so happy to do it. Once a journalist, always a journalist, because man do I love a deadline.
#theater #theaterlife #journospeak
#theater #theaterlife #journospeak
Suggestions for terrific theater people to follow here? I’m especially interested in helping lift up voices that are less often heard.
#theater #playwrights #designers #actors #theaterlife
#theater #playwrights #designers #actors #theaterlife