This mural is displayed in the #eastend #theatredistrict of #melbourne #Australia.
Spotted in an alleyway painted on the rear of an old industrial building, a woman, shoulders up, looks down over her shoulder, flanked by long, whispy bird feathers of some type around her figure.
The painting is around 60-70 foot (15-20 metres) tall in its entirety.
Long jet black hair, full lips and alluring eyes, this scene says so much. It could be described as sexually charged. Depending on your interpretation. Her look could almost be described too, as contemptuous or accusing. Again, depending on the observer.
The building is old and rustic, concrete cladded and the setting looks like a grungy back alley that was probably in its hay day in the early 20th century Melbourne. It stands at around 5-6 stories tall and is and is adorned on the periphery with air vents, plumbing pipes and guttering down pipes.
#altext, second image.
Artist: unknown.
#streetart #mastoart
#Australia #burbs #muralart #melbourne #narrm #muralart#Australia #murals #mural #muralart #mastoart #publicart #art #melbourne #victoria #aesthetichedonist #makesmehappy
#eastend #theatredistrict #melbourne #australia #altext #streetart #mastoart #burbs #muralart #narrm #murals #mural #publicart #art #victoria #aesthetichedonist #makesmehappy