Proud to share that my 10yo now knows how many minutes are in a year. #Rent #TheatreKid #DramaMama
Things that only I think are funny:
When any TV host says "X minutes left!" I respond with "Thank you X!"
Open #Casting Call! What good is sitting alone in your room... come #audition for #CABARET this weekend! 🎭 Downtown Cabaret Theater #Bridgeport
Performers of all kinds, it's time to step into the spotlight as we hold an open casting call for every role in the iconic musical Cabaret. *Yes, the Cabaret is doing Cabaret!*
#actors #singers #musical #theatre #theatrekid #auditions #actorslife #connecticut #connecticuttheatre #arts #fairfieldcounty #dancers #fosse
#Fosse #dancers #fairfieldcounty #arts #connecticuttheatre #connecticut #actorslife #auditions #theatrekid #theatre #musical #singers #actors #bridgeport #cabaret #audition #casting
PSA: Have a 3 sec crossfade, play Don’t Stop Believin’ from the Rock of Ages OBC (including the extra instrumental part at the end) and have “Dancing Queen” from Mamma Mia queued up next, and prepare to party HARD #theatrekid #broadway
TFW you're listening to "The Worst Pies In London" from Sweeney Todd and then the next song on shuffle is from Waitress 😮😂
I was supposed to intro w/ hashtags? 🤣
🏥: #pots #psoriaticArthritis #autoimmune #migraine #chronicMigraine #fibromyalgia #IBS #asthma #hypermobile #MCAS #spoonie #spoonieLife
📢: #disability #disabilityRights #disabilityAwareness #accessibilityForAll #universalDesign #queer #allyLGBTQ
🧶: #fiberArts #knitting #spinning #crochet #embroidery #reading #writing #NaNoWriMo #movies #medieval #SCA #costuming #music #80sHairBands
✨: #genX #theatreKid #burnedOutGiftedTalentedKid #EMS #Nurse #geek
#pots #psoriaticarthritis #autoimmune #Migraine #chronicmigraine #fibromyalgia #ibs #asthma #hypermobile #mcas #spoonie #spoonielife #disability #disabilityrights #DisabilityAwareness #accessibilityforall #UniversalDesign #queer #allylgbtq #fiberarts #knitting #spinning #crochet #embroidery #reading #writing #NaNoWriMo #movies #medieval #SCA #costuming #music #80shairbands #genx #theatrekid #burnedoutgiftedtalentedkid #ems #Nurse #geek