12pt9 · @12pt9
248 followers · 580 posts · Server cinematheque.social

 April 6: Someone is rejected on

A scandal, that's what it was! In the late 1960s, Peter Fleischmann picked the picturesque Catholic village of as the backdrop for Jagdszenen aus , the adaptation of Martin Sperr's with the same name.

A young man named Abram – played by Sperr – returns to his family village. Soon the townspeople's thorns move from the in their eyes other disgraceful villagers to the much-needed mechanic.

Where did he return from? He was in prison. What for? For being a homosexual. He's a (a dirty pig), his mother says. The village whore can't turn him around. A sow is slaughtered in real time in celebration of a successful and plans for the town's future are forged.

While created when West Germany's was in place [1872–1994], illegality of same-sex relations], the homosexual aspect wasn't the main cause of the outrage. Some of the Landshutter villagers who played alongside the professional actors felt they were depicted as being backwards. This isn't a movie about hunting, sigted some. Lifting the veil of the prevalence of, a in a sense, *that* Germany (hush) was another.

Catholic Mass is a theatrical re-enactment of the life and suffering of the son of God. When rites outstay their meaning, when invocations turn routine, the worshippers lose sight.

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Last updated 2 years ago

12pt9 · @12pt9
222 followers · 1091 posts · Server cinematheque.social

March 7: a town meeting for

Raymond Rouleau's Les sorcières de (FR/GDR, 1957) – , with a screenplay by Marxist philosopher Jean-Paul – is a very early adaptation of Arthur Miller's 1953 The Crucible. An allegory of , the play is a (partially dramatised) retelling of the , a dramatic episode in early US-American history. During several court and town meetings, 200 people were falsely accused of meddling with the Devil; 19 of them were eventually executed.

Miller himself was accused of un-American activities in 1956 and convicted of contempt of Congress for refusing to identify others present at meetings he had attended. Which doesn't mean that are a thing of the past. As easily one can transplant Puritan religious mass hysteria to 1950s McCarthy anti-socialism, as easy is it applicable to the state of the world today.


#bales2023filmchallenge #nationaltownmeetingday #salem #sartre #film #theatreplay #mccarthyism #salemwitchtrials #witchtrials #arthurmiller #jeanpaulsartre #thecrucible #ddr #simonesignoret #yvesmontand

Last updated 2 years ago

Pandagraphe📸✏️ · @pandagraphe
60 followers · 380 posts · Server sociala.me