Defence spending “exceptionalism” #TheAustraliaInstitute #Housing #OverSpendingOnDefence
#theaustraliainstitute #housing #overspendingondefence What You Need to Know About the RBA Review | Richard Dennis #RBA #TheAustraliaInstitute #EconomicFairness
#RBA #theaustraliainstitute #economicfairness
Great to see this initiative of The Australia Institute resulting in a full page letter in some Australian papers today, with leading scientists calling on our government to stop subsidising fossil fuel & stop approving new coal & gas projects. #fossilfuel #activism #auspol #TheAustraliaInstitute
Photo descriptions: images of a newspaper page with letter calling for government action to stop supporting fossil fuel industries, signed by long list of leading scientists.
Text as follows: To the Australian Government
Australia and the rest of the world are on the precipice of irreversible, catastrophic climate change.
The International Energy Agency (IEA), the United Nations, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and scientists globally have called for an end to new fossil fuel development as fossil fuels are the key driver of the climate
The Australian Government lists over 100 new coal and gas projects as under development in Australia. Projects scheduled to begin before 2030 alone will add a further 1.4 billion tonnes.
As the world’s third largest exporter of fossil fuels Australia has
a responsibility…1/
#fossilfuel #activism #auspol #theaustraliainstitute
From #TheAustraliaInstitute:
"Economists & tax experts are telling us that the #Stage3 #TaxCuts are bad for an inflationary economy, unaffordable, & unfair.
We coordinated an open letter with more than 100 of them, calling on the PM to reconsider.
Add your name to our petition:
#theaustraliainstitute #stage3 #taxcuts #auspol