Subimos de nuevo con #TheAutopsy, tercer episodio de #CabinetofCuriosities de #GuillermodelToro.
Recomiendo este episodio. 9/10.
#theautopsy #cabinetofcuriosities #guillermodeltoro #seriesconsaku
“Onion snow” is a term particular to the state of Pennsylvania originated by the Pennsylvania Dutch culture and language, and refers to a snowfall that occurs after the spring onions have been planted, and comes right as they are sprouting.
#TheAutopsy #CabinetofCuriosities #GuillermodelToro #SeriesconSaku
#theautopsy #cabinetofcuriosities #guillermodeltoro #seriesconsaku
El tercer episodio de #CabinetofCuriosities de #GuillermodelToro se llama #TheAutopsy y según la intro que da el mismo Guillermo hablar sobre la eterna pregunta que estoy segura que nos va a quedar ahí como seres humanos a menos que obtengamos una respuesta real y no puras conspiraciones sobre "¿estamos soles en el universo?"
#cabinetofcuriosities #guillermodeltoro #theautopsy #seriesconsaku
The best episode of #GuillermoDelToro #CabinetOfCuriosities is The Autopsy, which I watched again last night. Definitely the most faithful adaptation, and puts the Lovecraft ones to shame because of that. F. Murray Abraham and Glynn Turman are perfect.
#horror #theautopsy #michaelshea #cabinetofcuriosities #guillermodeltoro
Califiqué #GuillermodelToro #CabinetofCuriosities #TheAutopsy (S1.E3) 9/10 #IMDb
Loving the series, some really good stories
#guillermodeltoro #cabinetofcuriosities #theautopsy #imdb