Fan of #horror movies, especially #IndieHorror (I'm looking at you, #A24 ) & #ttrpgs.
Newly interested in #FOSS and trying to #DeGooglify.
Also (I have to say it) #EatTheRich
I'm not super spiritual, but I love a good #Tarot deck
#Hereditary #Midsommar #BlackcoatsDaughter #TheBabadook #TheEndless #ResolutionMovie #FoundFootage3D
#DnD5e #FateRPG #Wanderhome #MicroscopeRPG #FateCore
#SchittsCreek #TheGoodPlace #Severance #CabinetOfCuriosities #BobsBurgers
#introduction #horror #indiehorror #a24 #ttrpgs #foss #degooglify #EatTheRich #tarot #hereditary #midsommar #blackcoatsdaughter #thebabadook #theendless #resolutionmovie #foundfootage3d #dnd5e #faterpg #wanderhome #microscoperpg #fatecore #SchittsCreek #thegoodplace #severance #cabinetofcuriosities #bobsburgers
Unfortunately I can't say I would recommend Cabinet of Curiosities, as a whole, but the final episode is directed by Jennifer Kent (who also wrote and directed The Babadook) and stars Essie Davis and Andrew Lincoln. They make an incredible team. It's a gorgeous short film in itself, with all the depth you'd expect from a Kent story.
#JenniferKent #GuillermoDelToro #Horror #HorrorFilms #TheBabadook
#jenniferkent #guillermodeltoro #horror #horrorfilms #thebabadook
'Babadook' is an anagram of 'A bad book'.
#TheBabadook released at Sundance #OTD 2014
#thebabadook #otd #jenniferkent #essiedavis #noahwiseman #movies #WhatToWatch
Thought I'd do a separate 7 #HorrorMovies to know me list, looking for other #horrrofam to connect to...
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
Alien (1979)
The Babadook (2014)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Housu (1977)
Deep Red (1975)
The Witch (2015)
This arbitrary limit of 7 films I've imposed upon myself is tough. *Shakes shackled fists in despair, jangling chains*
#dracula #alien #thebabadook #nightofthelivingdead #housu #deepred #thewitch
#HorrorMovies #horrrofam #dracula #alien #thebabadook #nightofthelivingdead #housu #deepred #TheWitch
Vaya MARAVILLA también “El murmullo” de Jennifer Kent, el último episodio de #ElGabineteDeCuriosidades de maese Del Toro. Sorpresa porque no tenía ni idea que era de la directora de #TheBabadook, mi película de terror favorita de los últimos tiempos, pero al identificar aquí a la misma actriz protagonista de aquella, me ha dado por mirar la #IMDB y… premio.
Es prodigioso su talento para aunar atmosféricas escenas de terror y emotividad. Ha habido momentos en que he pasado MIEDO de verdad, y rara es la película/serie que lo consigue hoy día. En no pocos momentos he pensado en #AlFinalDeLaEscalera o en #TheHaunting, y eso son palabras mayores. Este episodio y “La autopsia”, los más logrados en ese aspecto.
Pronto haré un ranking de todos los episodios, pero vaya, que me ha parecido fabulosa esta serie. QUIERO segunda temporada.
#elgabinetedecuriosidades #thebabadook #imdb #alfinaldelaescalera #thehaunting
Watched #TheBabadook
Geez...I do know one thing: I never want to see this movie again.
It does an incredible job of making you feel uncomfortable and manages to navigate around classic genre tropes. And man, is it disturbing and very effectively so!
That's why I think once is enough.
@grryboy @YayForThat @LukeySixx 2010s:
- #Insidious (2010)
- #Devil (2010)
- #YoureNext (2011)
- #TheCabinInTheWoods (2011)
- #GraveEncounters (2011)
- #FinalDestination5 (2011)
- #Scream4 (2011)
- #Sinister (2012)
- #TheTallMan (2012)
- #TheConjuring (2013)
- #TheGreenInferno (2013)
- #InsidiousChapter2 (2013)
- #ThePurge (2013)
- #ItFollows (2014
- #IchSehIchseh (2014)
- #DeliverUsFromEvil (2014)
- #Unfriended (2014)
- #Annabelle (2014)
- #AsAboveSoBelow (2014)
- #TheBabadook (2014)
#insidious #devil #yourenext #thecabininthewoods #graveencounters #finaldestination5 #scream4 #sinister #thetallman #theconjuring #thegreeninferno #insidiouschapter2 #thepurge #itfollows #ichsehichseh #deliverusfromevil #unfriended #annabelle #asabovesobelow #thebabadook
My #comfortfilms part 1 (save the rest for another day)
#HaroldandMaude (1971)
#The400Blows (1959)
#DrStrangelove (1964)
#TheHeartIsALonelyHunter (1968) #DoTheRightThing (1989)
#TheBigLebowski (1998)
#BreakingAway (1979)
#Amadeus (1984)
#LAConfidential (1997)
#YoungFrankenstein (1974)
#BillyElliott (2000)
#TheConversation (1974)
#CloudAtlas (2012) #TheBabadook (2014)
#comfortfilms #HaroldAndMaude #the400blows #DrStrangelove #theheartisalonelyhunter #dotherightthing #TheBigLebowski #breakingaway #amadeus #laconfidential #youngfrankenstein #billyelliott #theconversation #cloudatlas #thebabadook
Something I forgot on my initial #introduction is that I'm a big #horror fan. Love #HorrorFilms but especially #IndieHorror
I'm behind on the last few years, but faves would be stuff like:
The Blackcoat's Daughter
We Are Still Here
We Are What We Are
The House at the End of Time
The Void
A Dark Song
They Look Like People
Come True
The Endless
The Interior
The Exorcist
Train to Busan
The Last Exorcism
#introduction #horror #horrorfilms #indiehorror #thebabadook #nope #hereditary
Hi! It's time I did an #Introduction!
I'm Jess Walton. I'm a #fat, white, #queer, #nonbinary / #agender, #disabled #writer & parent living on #BoonWurrungLand.
I would love to find other writers here, and queer, fat and disabled community.
My most recent book is a graphic novel called #StarsInTheirEyes (Published in Australia by Fremantle Press in 2021, coming out in the US with Scholastic in 2023).
My picture book #IntroducingTeddy was published by Bloomsbury in 2016.
I've also started branching out into TV writing (I cowrote the disability episode of #GetKrackin season 2) and #poetry.
I'm an #amputee with #ChronicPain, #depression and #anxiety so when I'm not writing I'm usually trying to decompress / distract myself with reading, TV and film.
I read picture books, MG and YA, and #GraphicNovels for any age group! I also read #DisabilityTheory, nonfiction, memoirs, and poetry.
The TV shows I'm OBSESSED with are #OurFlagMeansDeath, #SheRaAndThePrincessesOfPower, #StevenUniverse, #Heartstopper, #DeadEnd, and #KipoAndTheAgeOfWonderbeasts
Other favourite shows are #Cleverman, #DoctorWho (the newer ones), #DerryGirls, #Centaurworld, #HeartbreakHigh (the reboot), #StrangerThings, #Utopia, #KikiAndKitty, #Hilda, #TheKateringShow, #TwelveForever & #InfinityTrain.
My favourite movies are #Ponyo, #MyNeighbourTotoro, #CripCamp (documentary), #DarkCity, and #TheBabadook.
I play #HeroesOfMightAndMagic2, #Diablo2, and #Simcity. I sing and play ukulele. That's it! That's Me!
#introduction #fat #queer #nonbinary #disabled #starsintheireyes #introducingteddy #poetry #amputee #chronicpain #depression #anxiety #graphicnovels #disabilitytheory #OurFlagMeansDeath #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #stevenuniverse #Heartstopper #deadend #kipoandtheageofwonderbeasts #cleverman #doctorwho #derrygirls #Centaurworld #heartbreakhigh #strangerthings #utopia #kikiandkitty #hilda #thekateringshow #twelveforever #ponyo #MyNeighbourTotoro #CripCamp #DarkCity #thebabadook #heroesofmightandmagic2 #diablo2 #simcity #infinitytrain #getkrackin #agender #writer #boonwurrungland
Had quite the Halloween delivering creepy children's books to unsuspecting families.
#horror #horrorfilms #horrormovies #Halloween #halloweencostume #cosplay #TheBabadook #horrorcommunity
#HorrorCommunity #thebabadook #cosplay #halloweencostume #Halloween #HorrorMovies #horrorfilms #horror
Had quite the Halloween delivering creepy children's books to unsuspecting families.
#horror #horrorfilms #horrormovies #Halloween #halloweencostume #cosplay #TheBabadook #horrorcommunity
#HorrorCommunity #thebabadook #cosplay #halloweencostume #Halloween #HorrorMovies #horrorfilms #horror