Save by the fur trappers ...
#silentflickersunday #thebat1926 #cannibalthemusical
Think this fella looks kind of like how we've all felt at some point or another over the past couple of years ...
#silentflickersunday #thebat1926
@analgesicsleep Mysterious doors opening either means the mad scientist / Satanists are active, or those kids are meddling with the bookshelf secret passage; never good in any case!
#silentflickersunday #thebat1926
Vaguely related fan art! Here's a few drawings of Vincent Price inspired by the 1959 remake of The Bat!
#silentflickersunday #thebat1926 #thebat1959
@analgesicsleep 🤣🤣🤣 That Méliès fella is a witch, I'll tell ya what!
#silentflickersunday #thebat1926
Irma Vep is probably watching The Bat's showmanship from over in France and thinking, "Pssh .. prima donna ..."
#silentflickersunday #thebat1926
Irma Vep is probably watching The Bat's showmanship from over in France and and thinking, "Pssh .. prima donna ..."
#silentflickersunday #thebat1926
@analgesicsleep Salute! Always blown away by the extensive filmographies early actors had; then generally saddened by the thought of how much of it was lost. Also on the subject, I would love to see some modern documentary work on silent film scream queens; crossing my fingers, Jacqueline Stewart!
#silentflickersunday #thebat1926
With this geat gothic mansion set, I keep half expecting one of these characters to open a door and find Lon Chaney or Lionel Barrymore in drag performing Pre-Code era mad science ...
#silentflickersunday #thebat1926 #thedevildoll
@analgesicsleep Totally seeing the influence! Especially after seeing that Bat symbol shadow traversing the wall! 😁👍📼
#silentflickersunday #thebat1926 #themanwholaughs
Ooh! That intertitle card shot with the arm firing the gun ... :: Chef Kiss Motions ::
#silentflickersunday #thebat1926
Loving these original advertising pieces for The Bat (1926)! Almost feels like they caught Bruce Wayne mid-Batman transformation in one of those Animorphs book covers from the 90s!
#silentflickersunday #thebat1926
@analgesicsleep This score is superb! Would gladly take slightly lower quality for better atmosphere any day, personally! When it comes to silent films; music carries a lot of weight!
#silentflickersunday #thebat1926
Hey! I think the Scooby Doo crew would later solve a mystery at this very same castle!
#sikentflickersunday #thebat1926
@analgesicsleep 🤣 He may not be the hero this city wants, but he's the one it needs right now!
#sikentflickersunday #thebat1926 #batman