#TheBatman recommend! heavy, dark and gritty noir story, without overdoing it. A focus on the "greatest" Detective and the humans and their errors, as it should be, without overdone techno gizmos, go and have a look!
'The Batman 2' narrows down villain choices to Clayface or Mister Freeze #TheBatman #Clayface #MisterFreeze #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #misterfreeze #clayface #thebatman
In den panischen Gesichtern der Verbrecher wird #TheBatman eingeführt, wir sehen die Angst seiner Feinde, bevor wir den Mann in der Maske selbst sehen können, im Dunkeln, in einer Stadt, die aussieht, als hätte man die Kulissen verlassen und hätte endlich in der realen Stadt Gotham drehen dürfen.
Unser erster Eindruck direkt nach dem Film in Episode 1237:
Auf Prime Video könnt ihr mit „The Batman“ den aktuellsten Film mit dem Fledermausmann streamen. In der ARD-Mediathek startet die Near-Future-Dystopie „Arcadia“. Und bei Mubi könnt ihr mit „Wo in Paris die Sonne aufgeht“ ein wahres Arthouse-Juwel sehen.
#Arcadia #PrimeVideo #RobertPattinson #TheBatman #WoInParisDieSonneAufgeht #WasLäuftHeute
#arcadia #primevideo #robertpattinson #thebatman #woinparisdiesonneaufgeht #waslauftheute
„The Batman“
Dir: Matt Reeves
I really love the look of the movie. The dark and moody atmosphere does the rest for me. At times it feels a bit like a punk/emo version of Nolan’s trilogy. I also really like Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne.
#nowwatching #thebatman #mattreeves #robertpattinson #batman
A cat and mouse manhunt between two time travelers that spans centuries. The art and the story in #AViciousCircle are so engaging I read the first two issues 3 times back to back. The writer of #TheBatman movie is on his A game here.
#MattsonTomlin #LeeBermejo #Boom
#aviciouscircle #thebatman #mattsontomlin #leebermejo #boom
I'm batman btw
#batman #movies #thebatman #me #movie #somethingintheway #mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
#batman #movies #thebatman #me #movie #somethingintheway #mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
little Edward and Bruce playing around. Perhaps a sort of alternate ending to my comic, “The Boy From the Tower”
#shota #riddlebat #boyslove #bl #thebatman
Con todo y con eso, #TheBatman plantea algunos errores nimios como:
Cargarse un poco el canon de Martha Wayne
Insinuar que hubo oscuras intenciones en el asesinato de los padres de Bruce -me gusta más la idea de un asesinato aleatorio en una ciudad podrida-
El aspecto de Enigma, que aunque lo entiendo con el tono de la cinta, no me gusta nada
A tenor de #thebatman y lo bien que captó Reeves la esencia del murciélago de Gotham voy a explayarme hablando del personaje.
Ojo: puede haber spoilers de películas o cómics
Anoche revisité ésta maravilla e igual hoy, aprovechando que vuelvo por estos lares, os hablo un poquito del hombre murciélago y cómo lo entiendo yo #thebatman
The Batman - Free 4K Digital Giveaway!!! (like the video, comment and sub to the channel and you're in) #batman #TheBatman
The Batman FREE 4K DIGITAL GIVEAWAY #thebatman #free #giveaway Click ⬇️, like the short, comment and Sub to my YouTube channel to enter. 😀
Watching Robert Pattinson's #TheBatman which I was very reluctant about, because I'm not a big fan of him as an actor. But you know what? This is the 1st Batman movie that is actually a detective story like the #DC name implies: Detective Comics. Happy I gave it a chance.
Walmart had this on sale today, I usually just want to get Hot Wheels Batmobiles, but at the price, I couldn't pass it up.
#thedarkknight #figure #batman #thebatman
The #DCAU Proved Why the #DCU Doesn't Need Its Own #Batman — Since #BatmanTheAnimatedSeries started the DC Animated Universe, #MattReeves #TheBatman could do the same in the new DC Universe.
#thebatman #mattreeves #batmantheanimatedseries #batman #dcu #dcau
FINISHED! This build looks so cool! Also it's stinkin' huge and sturdy! Any suggestions on how to display it? #Lego #Batmobile #TheBatman
Took the day off of work today to take some time for myself and build the #Lego #Batmobile from #TheBatman movie, which I bought on clearance at Wally World!