Finished up "The Beast You Are" by Paul Tremblay. Some really good, creative stories in there. I particularly liked "The Last Conversation," a story that's hard to review without spoilers, but that is beautiful and haunting, and that's told in second person, which is really hard to pull off.
#amreading #amreadinghorror #bookstodon #books #horror #paultremblay #thebeastyouare
#amreading #amreadinghorror #bookstodon #books #horror #paultremblay #thebeastyouare
The Beast You Are: Stories by Paul Tremblay #Horror #Suspense #TheBeastYouAre #PaulTremblay #SanJose #Bookstore #RecycleBookstore
#horror #suspense #thebeastyouare #PaulTremblay #sanjose #bookstore #recyclebookstore