The #Carbrain design of our cities is very apparent when one looks at how these #Sharrows are marked. By giving the speed limit center stage and making it larger, the city is telling drivers that their car's speed is more important than people on bicycles. In most areas riding on the sidewalk is only allowed for children, the elderly, and the disabled. While those rules are not always enforced, if you strike a pedestrian while riding a bike, on the sidewalk, you will be 100% at fault both legally and logically.
#TheBicycleConspiracy #FuckCars #TheWarOnCars #Urbanism #BikeTooter #MotoNormativity
#carbrain #sharrows #thebicycleconspiracy #fuckcars #thewaroncars #urbanism #biketooter #motonormativity
Cars must change lanes to pass bicyclists legally. Sharrows are not an indication of where the bicyclist is supposed to ride; they are a sign to tell drivers bicycles can use the street.
I challenge anyone to tell me how a car can legally pass a bicycle without getting partially or fully into the adjacent lane.
#FuckCars #LetThemWait #TheBicycleConspiracy #TheWarOnCars #BikeTooter #Urbanism
#fuckcars #letthemwait #thebicycleconspiracy #thewaroncars #biketooter #urbanism
I was riding my bicycle home from the station and some carbrain passed within a few inches of me while blasting his horn because he didn't want to change lanes to pass me. The adjacent lane was clear. Then he almost rear ended a truck in the lane in front of me before he changed lanes to go around the truck. I saw him turn 500 meters up the road. I went home and checked my GoPro that I keep mounted on my bicycle when I ride. I got is license plate.
I canvassed my neighborhood until I located the car. It took about 20 minutes of riding around. I know where the carbrain who threatened my life keeps his ride.
I have dealt with cops before. They won't ticket a driver based on a recording unless a cop witnessed the incident in person. They won't accept the video online and since they won't take any action, delivering it in person is useless.
What would you do?
#bancars #carbrain #fuckcars #thebicycleconspiracy
Why do car owners get a free pass to pollute the air and stink up the place?
Burning fossil fuels should be treated the same as smoking tobacco. Illegal in public in populated areas.
#FuckCars #TheBicycleConspiracy
#BanCars #SmokingBan #CognitiveDissonance
#SpecialPleading #Carbrain
#fuckcars #thebicycleconspiracy #bancars #smokingban #cognitivedissonance #specialpleading #carbrain
Cars should be banned along with fossil fuels.
Until then, mandatory speed regulators controlled by a GPS device could reduce the number of deaths to humans and animals.
#FuckCars #BanFossilFuels #Deer #Urbanism #LetThemWait #TheWarOnCars #TheBicycleConspiracy
#fuckcars #banfossilfuels #deer #urbanism #letthemwait #thewaroncars #thebicycleconspiracy
Some Clarification Regarding Riding in the Center of MY Lane.
It isn't about being an asshole. Being an asshole is just a bonus. It's about preventing self-entitled car owners from killing me.
#letThemWait #FuckCars #Urbanism #NotJustBikes #TheWarOnCars #TheBicycleConspiracy
#letthemwait #fuckcars #urbanism #notjustbikes #thewaroncars #thebicycleconspiracy
#TheBicycleConspiracy isn't an organization, it's an ideology.
If you ride a bicycle in the middle of the lane and if you don't really give a shit if a car owner has to slow down, you are already a conspirator.
Claim your rightful public space. The roads and streets are not just for car owners. #LetThemWait
#FuckCars #Urbanism #NotJustBikes #TheWarOnCars
#thebicycleconspiracy #letthemwait #fuckcars #urbanism #notjustbikes #thewaroncars
In #Shibuya #Tokyo #Japan the streets are filled with people. #Jaywalking isn't dangerous. Cars are dangerous.
#FuckCars #TheBicycleConspiracy #Urbanism
#shibuya #tokyo #japan #jaywalking #fuckcars #thebicycleconspiracy #urbanism
Of course the bridge was at fault. If we hold drivers and car manufacturers responsible then we must consider banning cars as an unsafe product and we would have to jail drivers for negligence resulting in property damage or injury or death when they inevitably hit something. #FuckCars #TheBicycleConspiracy
#fuckcars #thebicycleconspiracy
Without solid walls, guardrails, or bollards, you don't have a bike lane. You have a murder lane, where cars can and will park and drive regardless of any paint or signs. Please tell your city to get REAL bollards made of concrete or steel, not those plastic toy ones. If it can't physically keep a Ford F-150 from crushing you, it's just window dressing. Paint is not infrastructure. #FuckCars #Urbanism #TheBicycleConspiracy
#fuckcars #urbanism #thebicycleconspiracy
Find or buy some sparkplugs and break the porcelain tips off. Those tiny shards of porcelain can shatter tempered glass. It is so much more effective than spit. #FuckCars #TheBicycleConspiracy
#fuckcars #thebicycleconspiracy
When I lived in Honolulu the bus-only lane was also a bicycle lane. Double benefit. #FuckCars #TheWarOnCars #NotJustBikes #TheBicycleConspiracy
#fuckcars #thewaroncars #notjustbikes #thebicycleconspiracy
Pitch a tent or place a storage shed in the parking spaces. If car owners can store their personal property on public land for free so can everyone else. If there is room for parked cars on both sides, the road is too wide. Those parking spaces should be a protected bike lane. #FuckCars #thebicycleconspiracy
#fuckcars #thebicycleconspiracy
We need to get back the light rail systems we had in the 1930s. We should also make General Motors and their fellow conspirators pay for it since they destroyed it.
#fuckcars #publictransportation #thebicycleconspiracy
#fuckcars #publictransportation #thebicycleconspiracy
@ascentale There is a 4-lane stroad in front of my residence. Two lanes in each direction. Every day there are cars illegally parked in the curb lanes on both sides. Those lanes could be converted to bicycle lanes and all the cars could still get through with only one lane in each direction. They are already doing it to get around illegally parked cars. #fuckcars #notjustbikes #thebicycleconspiracy #thewaroncars #BikeTooter
#fuckcars #notjustbikes #thebicycleconspiracy #thewaroncars #biketooter
Raise Awareness about your displeasure with car-centric city design. Put protest stickers near crosswalks and anyplace else where cars make life difficult. Some cars may deserve a sticker. My favorite place is by the "beg button" used to activate a crosswalk signal. Most of them are fake and don't change the timing of the traffic signal at all.
#thebicycleconspiracy #fuckcars #nomorefossilfuels #notjustbikes #thewaroncars
#thebicycleconspiracy #fuckcars #nomorefossilfuels #notjustbikes #thewaroncars
@davewalker @jamesbicycle
I don't hate you, I hate the corporations that created your car, sold you your gasoline, and your tires. These industries conspired to monopolize transportation and turned the world into a smoke-filled asphalt wasteland so their CEO could have 5 yachts instead of 3 yachts #fuckcars #fossilfuels #climatechange #generalmotors #takenforaride #thebicycleconspiracy
#fuckcars #fossilfuels #ClimateChange #generalmotors #takenforaride #thebicycleconspiracy