RT @CharityComms: #TheBigHelpOut is uniting charities across the UK to encourage volunteering and giving back to local communities.
Check out our latest blog to see some of the participating charities.
Is your charity taking part? Let us know in the comments! 👇
Lichfield and Burntwood organisations invited to highlight volunteering opportunities
#Lichfield #Charity #Communitygroups #News #SimonTagg #StaffordshireCountyCouncil #TheBigHelpOut #TheKing #volunteering
#lichfield #charity #communitygroups #news #simontagg #staffordshirecountycouncil #thebighelpout #theking #volunteering
Though I like the idea behind The Big Help Out app, I won't be downloading it.
I'd rather increase my time with those I volunteer with already than spread my time thinly over many. However tempting it is.
Do a great job with a few, rather than lots of merely adequate contributions.
Shopping today for an upcoming @8thPWEBrownies evening! @Girlguiding has so much to offer young people & volunteers alike! @ChislehurstDiv #girlguiding #volunteer #TheBigHelpOut #girlscan
#girlscan #thebighelpout #volunteer #girlguiding