Irreverent but funny as heck.
Feeling like never, ever before has this Big Lebowski quote been SO freaking timely:
“Shut the FUCK UP, Donnie.”
#TheBigLebowski in 5 Minuten
Hey Dude, mir fällt gerade ein, ich muss auch noch Milch kaufen. Oder ist ein White Russian nicht mehr politisch korrekt?
Lo más parecido a fumarme un peta y estar tranquilamente en mi vida es ver #TheBigLebowski. Quizás debería empezar a fumar, jeje
Via Super 70s Sports 🤖 @Super70sSports
“You have no frame of reference, Donny. You’re like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie.”
If you’re a “The Big Lebowski” fan like me, join the Achievers in the fediverse: / @achievers #thebiglebowski #biglebowski #lebowski
#thebiglebowski #biglebowski #lebowski
Comedy movies released in 1998…pick your favorite.
#fearandloathinginlasvegas #thebiglebowski #theressomethingaboutmary #thewaterboy #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #comedies
The reason I dislike the big lewbowski is his goons aren’t housebroken
#thebiglebowski #HashtagGames #thereasonidislike____is____
I can't imagine how this movie will end. --
"Let's go bowling." --
On June 11, 1998, The Big Lebowski debuted in Brazil and Estonia. Here’s some original John Goodman and Jeff Bridges Post-It Note art!
#TheBigLebowski #TheCoenBrothers #JohnGoodman #StonerMovies #StonerComedy #StonerFilm #StonerArt #NeoNoir #FilmPastiche #FilmNoirPastiche #Art #FanArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thebiglebowski #thecoenbrothers #johngoodman #stonermovies #stonercomedy #stonerfilm #stonerart #neonoir #filmpastiche #filmnoirpastiche #art #FanArt #movieart #moviehistory
The Jesus Ball Waxing Corp #TheBigLebowski
#thebiglebowski #flipabadcharactergood #HashtagGames #hashitout
Jeff Bridges oli mun ikäinen The Big Lebowskissa. Tuli heti parempi mieli.
#thebiglebowski #thedude #dude #elduderino
#elduderino #dude #thedude #thebiglebowski
Just shut the f*** up, Donny ...
#InsultAFictionalCharacter #HashtagGames #TheBigLebowski
#insultafictionalcharacter #hashtaggames #thebiglebowski
Shut the f#ck up, Donny! You’re out of your element!
#thebiglebowski #HashtagGames #insultafictionalcharacter
Absolutely anything that Donnie has to say.
#ThingsIHaveComeToIgnore #HashtagGames #TheBigLebowski
#thingsihavecometoignore #hashtaggames #thebiglebowski
@ablackcatstail It’s a gem! Only movie I can think of where the protagonist actively runs from participating in their own plot. Cult film as deserving of its fanatical following as the Rocky Horror Picture Show, and with good reason! Keep on abidin' 😁👍📼
"Dude, uh ... tomorrow's already the 10th ..."
"Far out, man ..."
Rewatching The Big Lebowski, and decided to draw a new homage to pretty much the only likable cinematic landlord out there! Here's a new drawing of Jack Kehler as the Dude's landlord. Also, Donny is capable of time travel because he's drinking a can of Slice from 1998 in the year 1991.
#CurrentlyWatching #TheBigLebowski #NewArt #JackKehler #StonerMovies #Art #TheDudeAbides #PenDrawing #Movies #FanArt #Film #Drawing
#currentlywatching #thebiglebowski #newart #jackkehler #stonermovies #art #thedudeabides #pendrawing #movies #FanArt #film #drawing