#これが好き #TheBigShort
邦題 #マネー・ショート リーマンショックをいち早く予見し空売りで儲けた人たちの話
Preet Banerjee explains that put option "bet" by Micheal Burry which had led to those sensationalist headlines recently
#PutOptions #StockMarketCrash #TheBigShort
#putoptions #stockmarketcrash #thebigshort
The Big Short explained by [The Plain Bagel]
#TheBigShort #Subprime #FinancialCrisis
#thebigshort #subprime #financialcrisis
Michael Burry, famed for his portrayal in ‘The Big Short’, has upheld his bearish options stance against the broad S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 Index.
#MichaelBurry #TheBigShort #SandP #Nasdaq #Nasdaq100 #Market #Stock
#michaelburry #thebigshort #sandp #nasdaq #nasdaq100 #market #stock
#これが好き #TheBigShort
邦題 #マネー・ショート
Just finished a rewatch of #TheBigShort and it’s a waaay better movie than I remember it being, the first time I saw it. 5 stars.
#これが好き #TheBigShort
邦題 #マネー・ショート 原題じゃ分かりにくいってんで変えたのはまあいいけど、副題の「華麗なる大逆転」は絶対要らなかった。そんな明るいかんじの映画じゃないでしょこれ
'Big Short' author Michael Lewis almost ready to publish book on SBF - The author didn’t want to give away too many details on the book,... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/the-big-short-author-michael-lewis-almost-ready-to-publish-book-on-sbf #goinginfinite:theriseandfallofanewtycoon #sambankman-fried #michaellewis #bitcoinmiami #thebigshort #ftx
#ftx #thebigshort #bitcoinmiami #michaellewis #sambankman #goinginfinite
If you know, you know...
How in the world did Steve Carell not win an academy award in his role as Mark Baum in the 2015 movie, The Big Short?
If you haven't ever seen it, check it out.
#moviesworthseeing #itshappeningagain #thebigshort #Movies
It’s really astounding that Michael Lewis wrote a book on the housing market crash called “The Big Short” that really showed how corrupt our banking system was. Then a famous director made a movie about it, with even more famous actors. It was even a success. Tons of people saw it.
What happened? Nothing. Fucking nothing.
"It's time to call bullshit."
"On what?"
"On everything!"
#thebigshort #historyRepeatsItself
#m5m #bullshit #nothingisreal
#thebigshort #historyRepeatsItself #m5m #bullshit #nothingisreal
from #TheBigShort (2015), regarding credit default swaps which were used to bet on the collapsing housing market / mortgage backed securities:
"let me put it this way: I'm standing in front of a burning house, and I'm offering you fire insurance on it."
#thebigshort #creditdefaultswap #creditdefaultswaps
from #TheBigShort (2015), regarding credit default swaps which were used to bet on the collapsing housing market / mortgage backed securities:
"let me put it this way: I'm standing in front of a burning house, and I'm offering you fire insurance on it."
#thebigshort #creditdefaultswap
from #TheBigShort (2015), regarding credit default swaps which were used to bet on the collapsing housing market / mortgage backed securities:
"let me put it this way: I'm standing in front of a burning house, and I'm offering you fire insurance on it."
Con esto de la intervención/quiebra del #SiliconValleyBank me ha dado por volver a ver la película #TheBigShort sobre el crack de 2008.
Y no consigo otra cosa que ira contra los grandes...
#siliconvalleybank #thebigshort
#Till filmmaker #ChinonyeChukwu is adapting #CinFabré’s novel #WolfHustle into a feature film for #AppleTVPlus.
The film – billed as a mix of #TheWolfOfWallStreet and #TheBigShort – follows a young Black woman’s ascent on male-dominated Wall Street in the 1990s.
#thebigshort #TheWolfOfWallStreet #appletvplus #wolfhustle #cinfabre #chinonyechukwu #Till
The Big Short Trailer (2015) ‐ Paramount Pictures
#Movies #TheBigShort
🎉🎊 #HappyBirthday to the #legend #ChristianBale❤️
🎥 #Films: #ThePrestige, #TheDarkKnightTrilogy, #FordvsFerrari, #AmericanPsycho,#AmericanHustle, #TheBigShort, #TheMachinist, #TheFighter
#happybirthday #legend #christianbale #recommended #films #theprestige #thedarkknighttrilogy #fordvsferrari #americanpsycho #americanhustle #thebigshort #themachinist #thefighter
The Big Short movie explained: https://youtu.be/xVAxf197kUw #theBigShort #laGranApuesta