They may have had their bionic bodies in common, but "Bionic Woman" Lindsay Wagner and "Six Million Dollar Man" Lee Majors didn't become friends until after their series had ended
#LindsayWagner #LeeMajors #TheBionicWoman #TheSixMillionDollarMan #70s #70stv #TV #TVNews #television #televisionnews #entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
#lindsaywagner #leemajors #thebionicwoman #thesixmilliondollarman #70s #70stv #TV #tvnews #television #televisionnews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
#SantaBarbara 016 (1984) - 9/10
Terrific episode.
1️⃣ Joe has broken into the Capwell house but, with policemen searching for him, he is trapped inside. And Jade has a late-night meeting with a delightfully-sleazy film producer, #SamChewJr. (#TheBionicWoman).
2️⃣ Joe's scenes are exciting. Offering something the show hasn't done before, a one-hour thriller. It's a great episode for #AMartinez, as Cruz steps up and helps his friend evade the searchers. Such a cool and dynamic character.
#santabarbara #samchewjr #thebionicwoman #amartinez
#TheBionicWoman s2e17 (1977) - 7/10
Way better than I expected it to be.
1️⃣ #LanceKerwin and #RobertLoggia are the main guest stars. Both are very good.
2️⃣ #LindsayWagner spends quite a lot of the episode in a skimpy harem dancing girl outfit. This is not a bad thing.
#thebionicwoman #lancekerwin #robertloggia #lindsaywagner
47 years ago today:
The Bionic Woman
S1E14: The Ghosthunter
Jaime becomes the governess for a girl in a small New England town when the top-secret project the girl's father is working on is disrupted by super-natural forces.
Airdate: 1976-05-26
#TheBionicWoman #LindsayWagner #RichardAnderson #PaulShenar #KristyMcNichol #ABC #TV
#thebionicwoman #lindsaywagner #richardanderson #paulshenar #kristymcnichol #abc #tv
47 years ago today:
The Bionic Woman
S1E11: Fly Jaime
Jaime goes undercover as an airline stewardess to protect Dr. Rudy Wells and the top-secret formula that he possesses.
Airdate: 1976-05-05
#TheBionicWoman #LindsayWagner #RichardAnderson #ABC #ClassicTV
#thebionicwoman #lindsaywagner #richardanderson #abc #classictv
I've watched/reviewed/rated 25 episodes of #ClassicTV in the last 13 days.
Here's how they lined up.
#classictv #aspen #thebionicwoman #thefamousteddyz #frasier #highwaypatrol #missionimpossible #thesixmilliondollarman #almostperfect #branded #buffalobill #Columbo #hillstreetblues #ittakesathief #kungfuthelegendcontinues #benson #magnumpi #santabarbara #viper #areyoubeingserved #fernwoodtonight #idreamofjeannie #superforce #wonderwoman #thestreetsofsanfrancisco #vegas
#TheBionicWoman s2e15 & s2e16 (1977) - 10/10
Great idea for a story!
1️⃣ Imagine waking up in prison, and nobody believes you when you say who you really are.
2️⃣ #DonPorter is back as Dr. Courtney. And so is Jaime’s lookalike Lisa Galloway (superbly played, again, by Emmy-winner #LindsayWagner).
3️⃣ Half the episode is devoted to Jaime in prison, then escaping, then trying to prove her identity. It’s a cracking thriller, every step of the way.
#thebionicwoman #donporter #lindsaywagner
47 years ago today:
The Bionic Woman
S1E10: Canyon of Death
Jaime is captured by men who are plotting to steal an atomic-powered flying suit, and her life depends on a story-telling Indian boy's ability to convince someone that he saw a silver man in the desert.
Airdate: 1976-04-14
#TheBionicWoman #LindsayWagner #RichardAnderson #ABC #TV
#thebionicwoman #lindsaywagner #richardanderson #abc #tv
I've watched/reviewed/rated 25 episodes of #ClassicTV in the last 12 days.
Here's how they lined up.
#classictv #barneymiller #thehardyboys #highlander #almostperfect #batman #fernwoodtonight #highwaypatrol #justshootme #two #afineromance #frasier #magnumpi #tjhooker #werewolf #dustystrail #gargoyles #thepaullyndeshow #carolineinthecity #idreamofjeannie #mikehammer #thesixmilliondollarman #three #viper #thebionicwoman #wonderwoman
46 years ago today:
The Bionic Woman
S2E21: Iron Ships and Dead Men
Jaime boards an old World War II destroyer as a member of the salvage crew to investigate the discovery of dog-tags bearing the name of Oscar's brother, Sam.
Airdate: 1977-03-30
#TheBionicWoman #LindsayWagner #RichardAnderson #ABC #TV
#thebionicwoman #lindsaywagner #richardanderson #abc #tv
46 years ago today:
The Bionic Woman
S2E21: Iron Ships and Dead Men
Jaime boards an old World War II destroyer as a member of the salvage crew to investigate the discovery of dog-tags bearing the name of Oscar's brother, Sam.
Airdate: 1977-03-30
#TheBionicWoman #LindsayWagner #RichardAnderson #ABC #tvshows
#thebionicwoman #lindsaywagner #richardanderson #abc #tvshows
46 years ago today:
The Bionic Woman
S2E21: Iron Ships and Dead Men
Jaime boards an old World War II destroyer as a member of the salvage crew to investigate the discovery of dog-tags bearing the name of Oscar's brother, Sam.
Airdate: 1977-03-30
#TheBionicWoman #ABC #tvseries
#thebionicwoman #abc #tvseries
#TheBionicWoman s2e12 (1977) - 5/10
Competent-but-dull backdoor pilot.
1️⃣ Had it gone to series, the show would have followed the adventures of an OSI agent (#GranvilleVanDusen) with mild (almost credible) super-powers.
2️⃣ The first half takes place in the laboratory and it’s basically a checklist of the “cool” things this guy can do. The second half is a simple mission behind enemy lines, with a succession of obstacles for the guy and Jaime to overcome (using their powers).
#thebionicwoman #granvillevandusen
47 years ago today:
The Bionic Woman
S1E8: Jaime's Mother
Jaime's mother has supposedly returned from the dead for a last visit with Jaime in Ojai knowing that foreign agents are after her and that her visit endangers Jaime's life.
Airdate: 1976-03-24
#TheBionicWoman #ABC #LeoPenn #tvseries
#thebionicwoman #abc #leopenn #tvseries
#TheBionicWoman s2e13 & s2e14 (1977) - 10/10
Superb #sciencefiction.
1️⃣ Written, produced and directed by #KennethJohnson.
2️⃣ The second hour is the best, with Jaime alone in a vast underground complex battling the Alex 7000 super-computer. The extensive location filming for these episodes adds a lot. The visuals are stunning.
3️⃣ #SamChew is back as Russ, for his only appearance this season. Love that guy, wish they’d used him more.
#thebionicwoman #sciencefiction #kennethjohnson #samchew
All of us at Trek Long Island would like to wish our dear friend Tanya Lemani George a very happy birthday!!!
You can meet Tanya at Trek Long Island in May! Tanya will be signing, available for photo ops in her TOS Kara costume, speaking on a Q&A and be on a special panel with other guests from TOS. She will also be at the VIP dinner! Purchase tickets and photos with Tanya now at!
#tanyalemani #StarTrek #thebionicwoman #startrekfans #StarTrekFamily #startrektos #LLAP
#tanyalemani #startrek #thebionicwoman #startrekfans #StarTrekFamily #startrektos #llap
Tonight in 1978 — #TheIncredibleHulk debuted on CBS.
#BillBixby and #LouFerrigno starred in the series developed by #KennethJohnson (creator of #TheBionicWoman and the V sci-fi franchise).
"It was beautifully done,” #StanLee said.
#hulk #nostalgia #Marvel #1970s #1970stv #classictv #stanlee #thebionicwoman #kennethjohnson #LouFerrigno #billbixby #TheIncredibleHulk
46 years ago today:
The Bionic Woman
S2E14: Doomsday Is Tomorrow (2)
Jaime battles for her life as she tries to stop the launch of the doomsday device, which is now controlled by the ALEX 7000 super-computer.
Airdate: 1977-01-26
#TheBionicWoman #ABC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#thebionicwoman #abc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
46 years ago today:
The Bionic Woman
S2E14: Doomsday Is Tomorrow (2)
Jaime battles for her life as she tries to stop the launch of the doomsday device, which is now controlled by the ALEX 7000 super-computer.
Airdate: 1977-01-26
#TheBionicWoman #ABC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#thebionicwoman #abc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
#LanceKerwin, best known as the child actor who starred on the 1977 TV series #JamesAt15 / #JamesAt16, has died at 62. Kerwin instantly became a teen heartthrob. Kerwin continued to act on TV in #Family, #SalemsLot, #Hotel, #TrapperJohnMD, #FaerieTaleTheatre, #SimonAndSimon, #MurderSheWrote, and TV movie #Challenger. Early TV credits include #Shazam, #LittleHouseOnThePrairie, #WonderWoman and #TheBionicWoman. Film credits include #EscapeToWitchMountain, #EnemyMine and #Outbreak. #RIP
#lancekerwin #jamesat15 #jamesat16 #family #salemslot #hotel #trapperjohnmd #faerietaletheatre #simonandsimon #murdershewrote #challenger #shazam #littlehouseontheprairie #wonderwoman #thebionicwoman #escapetowitchmountain #enemymine #outbreak #rip