So I'm a little confused. #ElMu has threatened to take #TheBirdApp into bankruptcy. That's all well and good for Twitter, but The Bird didn't borrow $44 Billion, ElMu did. How does taking Twitter into bankruptcy relieve ElMu of his financial responsibilities?
@waitnwallflower Respectfully, I don't agree at all. I think that there would have been a red wave, but for the numerous Republican blunders, of which was #Roe.
Add in:
The revelations about the depth of the coup plot.
The confidential documents found are MaraLago.
The horrible "qality of candidates".
What terrifies me is that, in spite of all of this, it's still damn close. How could Herschel Walker come within a percentage point of Warnock?
Not long ago, I posted on #TheBirdApp (somewhat in jest) that we narrowly escaped a reality where it was a possibility where Walker was the Leader of The Senate and Marjorie Taylor Green the Speaker of The House (Not likely, but possible).
To reiterate, I believe #Roe was a real blunder on their part but in spite of multiple shots to the foot, we escaped a landslide Republican victory by a razor thin margin.
I just posted my final tweet on #TheBirdApp. It was mostly about #mastodon, talking about how my biggest concern was multiple servers, and how this turned out to be a non issue. It's my pinned tweet under this same username if anyone wants to have a look to tell me what I got wrong. (Of course, I'm not going to be able to edit it in any case, so meh 😄 )
During my clear out today, I came across this book. I can’t believe I bought this! Must be about 10 years ago! Really!!?
#thebirdapp #reading
@Jaden2 #MeToo (in a good way LOL). I get as much interaction here with 50 followers as I used to on #TheBirdApp with 10K.
Who could have predicted that #TheBirdApp would become the canary in the coal mine? But don't worry, it could be worse. #ElMu could be working on self driving cars, or self landing space ships.
@mrvapor Are you talking specifically about quote toots? Because I can prefer Mastodon to #TheBirdApp (by far) while also desiring the ability to quote toot.
@JadziaBenntley @estrapade I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I know I was. I feel like the level of interaction here is far greater than on #TheBirdApp. After one week, with 30 followers, my level of interaction is similar to what it was over there with (and I had 10K followers) and the diversity and quality of conversations is amazing.
@mtsw While I find the analogy interesting, I disagree with your conclusion. Walking out the door in this case *is* the revolution. Basically, #ElMu paid $44B for Parler and gets to face the consequences. We are holding him accountable.
As a bonus, it's way better here. I get almost as much interaction here with 20 followers as I did on #TheBirdApp with ten thousand.
After being on Mastodon for a week, my biggest takeaway is the diversity of posts. It's somewhat disconcerting. I feel like I'm constantly reading snippets of random treatises and it makes me feel ignorant and insecure . . .
As opposed to #TheBirdApp where I feel like a fucking genius. 😂
@McNasty After just a few days, I'm spending 80% of my time here instead of #TheBirdApp. #ElMu has flushed $44 billion down the drain.
I've been on #Mastodon now 4 couple weeks! I'm transitioning from #TheBirdApp & finding it very refreshing, +, easy! I'm finding my fav ppl from the old place coming along! Been reading up on #Introduction posting so let me try it properly since this will most likely be my go to MSM soon! I had been on Twitter since 2009, got hacked, came back now here I am! I'm not a follower junkie but I'm grateful for any!
#mastodon #thebirdapp #introduction #politicsjunkie #nevertrumper #camping #beaches #furbabies #exrepub #democracy
From @karpora #thebirdapp PSA: By migrating Google Maps from to, Google has made it such that granting Location Access in your browser to Google Maps will now grant that same permission to all other Google services.
Thanks for getting this far into this thread 🧵
That's about it. Good luck finding your community, tribe, interesting new friends
A few addendums:
A note about scanning others follow lists
While this was a useful strategy on #TheBirdApp it is less useful here
Clicking on a person’s follows shows only the accounts on THAT instance
Works on big instances like or interest-based servers less for cross-instance finding of folks
Day 3 of #Mastodon. Realizing how much I relied on #TheBirdApp for news coverage, interpretation of news coverage, etc. As I am seeing some of my #Twitter sources make their way here I am also realizing some of my news anxiety is coming back. I want to know, like watching a train wreck, and yet I have truly enjoyed the more laid back vibe here. But like many others I think I got used to being in permaflight/adrenaline/WTH is happening mode. How do you all find #balance with ‘all the things’?
#Mastodon #thebirdapp #Twitter #balance
I don’t think I’ve ever felt so good deactivating an account 😌
I followed a whopping 25 death metal / crust punk and grindcore bands on #thebirdapp and a couple #BobsBurgers accounts. No followers. So easy peasy. I don’t think I could’ve handled seeing the N word anymore tbh. The bigots can have it. I deal with that bullshit enough IRL.
Things I'm not worried about: The reinstatement of a former leader's account on the bird app. The EV guy just keeps digging himself a hole and does incalculable damage to his brand and businesses.
No longer being on the bird app is like finally figuring out that snacks that taste good don't nourish you.
Things I'm not worried about: The reinstatement of a former leader's account on the bird app. The EV guy just keeps digging himself a hole and does incalculable damage to his brand and businesses.
No longer being on the bird app is like finally figuring out that snacks that taste good don't nourish you.
v. Scanning others follow lists
While this was a useful strategy on #TheBirdApp it is less useful here
Clicking on a person’s follows shows only the accounts on THAT instance
Note how far down on the list this is ..
This is useful on the big instances like or particular interest-based servers less for cross-instance finding of folks