Existen muchas #peliculasdetiburones pero de vez en cuando aparece una joya que merece mucho la pena. En este caso hablamos de #TheBlackDemon https://www.cinemascomics.com/si-te-gustan-las-peliculas-de-tiburones-tienes-que-ver-the-black-demon/
#peliculasdetiburones #theblackdemon
I'm watching "The Black Demon" which is about people trapped on an oil rig with a giant shark circling and I love how ignoring environmental concerns is blamed for a megalodon attacking because ignoring environmental issues would be expected to cause a giant extinct shark to attack.
Like this guy is shitty but... you don't expect being shitty is going to lead to a giant shark murdering everyone on the oil rig. That isn't reasonable. #TheBlackDemon
The Tyee: Why We’re Fascinated with Monstrous Sharks https://thetyee.ca/Culture/2023/08/14/Meg-2-Film/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #ElDemonioNegro #Meg2:TheTrench #PeterBenchley #TheBlackDemon #JasonStatham #BenWheatley #sharkfilms #Jaws
#BCNews #TheTyee #eldemonionegro #meg2 #peterbenchley #theblackdemon #jasonstatham #benwheatley #sharkfilms #jaws
Gigantische haai en een olieplatform… Kijk de trailer van ‘The Black Demon’ https://denachtvlinders.nl/trailer-the-black-demon/
#TheBlackDemon sieht gar nicht schlecht aus! Sticht aus den ganzen letzten Haifilmen heraus und das CGI scheint mir auch endlich mal wieder nicht übel zu sein. Ich bin vorsichtig optimistisch mal wieder einen guten Hai Thriller zu sehen! https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1640442549734088715