On July 4, 2022, The Black Phone debuted in Latvia Here’s some Ethan Hawke art!
#TheBlackPhone #ScottDerrickson #EthanHawke #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #BlackAndWhiteArt #SupernaturalHorror #2020sFilm #HorrorArt #SupernaturalHorrorMovies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#theblackphone #scottderrickson #ethanhawke #horrormovies #horrorart #blackandwhiteart #supernaturalhorror #2020sfilm #supernaturalhorrormovies #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 18, 2022, The Black Phone was screened at the Tribeca Film Festival. Here’s some Ethan Hawke art!
#TheBlackPhone #ScottDerrickson #EthanHawke #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #BlackAndWhiteArt #SupernaturalHorror #2020sFilm #HorrorArt #SupernaturalHorrorMovies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#theblackphone #scottderrickson #ethanhawke #horrormovies #horrorart #blackandwhiteart #supernaturalhorror #2020sfilm #supernaturalhorrormovies #art #movieart #moviehistory
OFICIAL: #MasonThames (#TheBlackPhone) y #NicoParker (#TheLastOfUs) han sido elegidos para interpretar a #Hipo y #Astrid en el live action de #ComoEntrenarATuDragon que prepara #Universal. La cinta es dirigida por #DeanDeblois, que también dirigió la trilogía animada 🐉
#masonthames #theblackphone #nicoparker #thelastofus #hipo #astrid #comoentrenaratudragon #universal #deandeblois
Today's #ElizabethDaily favorite #horror #Kindle #ebooks on sale:
20th Century Ghosts by Joe Hill (fantastic short story collection, including the basis for The Black Phone ) $2.99
The Bad Place by Dean Koontz (quintessential weird Koontz from 1990) $1.99
#HorrorBooks #AmReading #BookToot #Bookstodon #Books #HorrorFam #Bookwyrm #JoeHill #TheBlackPhone #DeanKoontz
#elizabethdaily #horror #kindle #ebooks #horrorbooks #amreading #BookToot #bookstodon #books #horrorfam #Bookwyrm #joehill #theblackphone #deankoontz
#theblackphone drew these at 3 am and passed out right afterwards !!!!!!!!!!!!
#TheBlackPhone an #enjoyable #suspense with some tints of #horror.
Probably one of the few horror #movies set in the #state of #Colorado.
The only thing that I #hate about it. Is that the entire #movie feels like with the #brightness turn down.
An entire recommended movie that you should give it a try.
#theblackphone #enjoyable #suspense #horror #movies #state #colorado #hate #movie #brightness
Finally got around to watching #TheBlackPhone and I really liked it. Of course, #EthanHawke is always great, but the kids turned in some great performances as well. This is an easy recommendation. 👍
Now Watching 🍿
The Black Phone (2022)
#horror #horrormovie #TheBlackPhone
#horror #horrormovie #theblackphone
#TheBlackPhone towns children abducted by The Grabber. Finn gets help from the dead. Gwen dreams. Stand up and escape. Revenge from beyond. Coming of age. Adapted from short story. Scary subject but not terrifying. Suspenseful. Spielbergesque in 70s setting with kids. 👻 🪦
Watched a horror movie called #TheBlackPhone this evening but it was actually a movie about surviving trauma and helping those who come after us and it was really rad
Vista al fin #TheBlackPhone.📞
Lo mejor de no ver los tráileres de las películas de #terror, es que así me sorprenden más. Y esta es de esas películas que cuanto menos sepas, mejor.
Quizás me ha impactado menos al haber visto antes otras con aspectos similares (#Barbarian o la no tan conocida #TheBoyBehindTheDoor ), pero me ha parecido un excelente mix entre thriller (más que terror) y drama coming-of-age. La historia de #JoeHill es cojonuda (digno hijo de su padre #StephenKing), los actores infantiles están espléndidos y Hawke se marca un rol icónico para el futuro.
Sin duda de lo mejor de 2022.
#theblackphone #terror #barbarian #theboybehindthedoor #joehill #stephenking
Having been written by Malignant's Akela Cooper and a marketing campaign professional me admired seems to have left in the rooting for this one camp.
RT @Luiz_Fernando_J@twitter.com
#M3GAN grossed solid 4.9M on 2nd FRI at US #BoxOffice.
#Megan saw Just a -58.6% drop from 1st FRI Opening day which included previews (vs #Scream5’s 3.7M, -72.3%, #TheBlackPhone’s 4M, -61.3%.
#MeganMovie hits a 43.4M cume in the US.
Eyeing a 90M-110M US run depending on #Peacock.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Luiz_Fernando_J/status/1614290084714479618
#m3gan #boxoffice #megan #scream5 #theblackphone #meganmovie #peacock
I'm watching The Black Phone (2022) https://trakt.tv/movies/the-black-phone-2022 #TheBlackPhone #trakt
Me being inundated with pages of results for black iPhones for sale while trying to google a good image to announce our episode on The Black Phone that comes out on Monday.
#TheBlackPhone #Horror #Podcast #Film #HorrorMovies #Movies
#theblackphone #horror #podcast #film #horrormovies #movies
What’s up #horror fans? We’ve officially recorded our episodes for January and can’t wait to share them with our listeners. Especially our episode on Friday the 13th part IV which Luke has said “is the best one we’ve done so far.” Tune in every Monday (and Friday the 13th!) for a new show.
#Men #TheBlackPhone #FridayThe13 #HouseOfTheDevil #Pearl #TheSacrament #podcast
#horror #men #theblackphone #fridaythe13 #houseofthedevil #pearl #thesacrament #podcast
You may have noticed I edited my pinned post I was watching #TheBlackPhone with friends great movie if you haven't watched it yet you definitely should currently streaming on #AmazonPrime
Why did I start watching this movie? It brings back some mighty memories #70skids #theblackphone #horror
#70skids #theblackphone #horror
Top 15 de mis #películas favoritas de 2022:
(Ordenadas por preferencia, de izquierda a derecha y de arriba abajo, siendo #BlackPantherWakandaForever mi número 1 y #PredatorLaPresa mi número 15).
Pendientes de visionado: #TopGunMaverick, #Elvis, #Nope, #TheBlackPhone, #DowntonAbbeyANewEra, #MundoExtraño, #TheNorthman, #Moonfall, #GlassOnion y muchas más…
#peliculas #blackpantherwakandaforever #predatorlapresa #topgunmaverick #elvis #nope #theblackphone #downtonabbeyanewera #mundoextrano #thenorthman #moonfall #glassonion
I finally watched “The Black Phone” last night. I enjoyed the movie.
But so much on the story had been left out that it made it hard to connect with the characters. Ethan Hawke is a very good actor but I feel this film could have had any actor perform the role.
I was disappointed that a really good story could have made a better film. It underperformed, in my opinion. Did you watch it?
#TheBlackPhone #Movies
Photo credit: Universal Pictures.