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Issue 04 is here!
If you’ve enjoyed our previous issues, you’re going to love this one!
Articles include The “Wolsey Closet” at Hampton Court Palace, Secrets of the Jewel Houses, The Lost Chelsea Manor, The Battle of Flodden, Stories Painted in Light and The Charterhouse.
#thebodkincup #sheffieldcathedral #haddonhall #cardinalwolsey #henryviii #hamptoncourt #chantrychapel #winchestercathedral #battleofflodden #chelseamanor #anneofcleves #jeweltower #royalhistory
#thebodkincup #sheffieldcathedral #haddonhall #CardinalWolsey #HenryVIII #hamptoncourt #chantrychapel #winchestercathedral #battleofflodden #chelseamanor #anneofcleves #jeweltower #royalhistory