Can't stop the #BookWeek at
Tonight Sam's back with some Year One favourites! We've got Dickens, Stevenson, Middleton, Nesbitt, and maybe more if there's time? Come and find a new story to love!
#Audiobook #ReadingAloud #TheSignalMan #CharlesDickens #TheBodySnatcher #RobertLouisStevenson #ManSizeInMarble #EdithNesbitt #TheGhostShip #RichardMiddleton #cozy
#bookweek #audiobook #readingaloud #thesignalman #charlesdickens #thebodysnatcher #robertlouisstevenson #mansizeinmarble #edithnesbitt #theghostship #richardmiddleton #cozy
On Christmas Eve 1828, William Burke was on trial for being a grave robber and murderer. He and William Hare had been providing corpses for anatomists, which led to the inspiration of Robert Louis Stevenson's ‘The Body Snatcher’ (1884). Burke was found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging, with his body used for medical science. Hare had turned King's Evidence, allowing him to avoid sentence.
#TheBodySnatcher #WilliamBurke #WilliamHare #RobertLouisStevenson #GraveRobber #Medicine #Trivia
#thebodysnatcher #williamburke #williamhare #RobertLouisStevenson #graverobber #medicine #trivia
Happy birthday Boris Karloff! (1887 - 1969) Here's some original art inspired by Frankenstein, Frankenstein 1970, The Body Snatcher and The Black Cat to mark the occasion!
#HappyBirthday #BorisKarloff #Frankenstein #Frankenstein1970 #TheBodySnatcher #TheBlackCat #Horror #GothicHorror #TCMParty #HorrorFam #HorrorFamily #MutantFam #Svengoolie #Art #HorrorArt
#happybirthday #boriskarloff #Frankenstein #frankenstein1970 #thebodysnatcher #theblackcat #horror #GothicHorror #TCMParty #HorrorFam #horrorfamily #MutantFam #svengoolie #art #horrorart
100 Years of Horror: Tournament of Champions 3 on 3
Select up to 3 of movies you think best reperesent this decade. You may vote for movies not on the list:
#horromovies #horrorstories #horrorfiction #horror #art #horrorcommunity #horrorfam and #mutantfam #filmcritic #Cinema #Film #movies
#horrorofthe1940s #thewolfman #thelodger #thecorpsevanishes #rebecca #rop #thebodysnatcher #blackfriday #catpeople #horromovies #horrorstories #horrorfiction #horror #art #horrorcommunity #horrorfam #mutantfam #filmcritic #cinema #film #movies