#Baywatch 056 (1993) - 10/10
One of my favourite episodes.
1️⃣ #JosephCampanella (#TheBoldOnes, #SpiderMan: The Animated Series) guest stars as Mitch's dad.
2️⃣ Unusual for Baywatch, we open with a lengthy night-time sequence where the regulars are out searching for the body of a missing 12-year-old boy. Grim. No punches pulled, either.
3️⃣ There's no crime in this one. Just 2 character-driven stories, 1 for Mitch and 1 for Summer. Both are low-key and well done. References are made to the way ...
#baywatch #josephcampanella #theboldones #spiderman
#TheMaryTylerMooreShow s5e8 (1974) - 8/10
#JohnSaxon (#TheBoldOnes, #FalconCrest) guests.
1️⃣ It’s a smart script, asking much the same question as 1989′s #WhenHarryMetSally…
2️⃣ Ted reckons any man who isn’t making moves on Mary must be gay. Meanwhile, married Phyllis is jealous because she was “dating” him first. As friends.
3️⃣ The funniest scene is probably when Mary confides in Lou. And Murray. And Ted!
#themarytylermooreshow #johnsaxon #theboldones #falconcrest #whenharrymetsally
I've watched/reviewed/rated 25 episodes of #ClassicTV in the last 12 days.
Here's how they lined up.
#classictv #aspen #frasier #gvse #banacek #branded #FamousFive #foreverknight #ittakesathief #peoplelikeus #almostperfect #benson #theboldones #carolineinthecity #hillstreetblues #hyperionbay #idreamofjeannie #inbedwithmedinner #santabarbara #areyoubeingserved #isis #justshootme #dustystrail #beyondwestworld #kungfuthelegendcontinues #talesfromthecrypt
#TheBoldOnes s1e13 (1969) - 8/10
Intelligent drama.
1️⃣ Surgeons #BradfordDillman and #JohnSaxon butt heads over the application of an experimental technique.
2️⃣ But, in keeping with the mature tone of the show, they remain professional and cordial throughout. Even when Dillman’s character leaves the Craig Institute to set up shop somewhere else.
3️⃣ There’s also a million-dollar grant in the picture, adding even more conflict.
📺 My 355th #TVReview of 2023. Averaging 2h13m of TV, per day.
#theboldones #bradforddillman #johnsaxon #tvreview
#TheBoldOnes s1e3 (1969) - 8/10
Dry, well-meaning crime drama.
1️⃣ #HariRhodes and #LeslieNielsen investigate the murder of a City Commissioner, who may or may not have been corrupt.
2️⃣ As much as the script is about the crime, it’s also about the inevitability of corruption and graft in high-level politics.
3️⃣ The investigation puts a halt to a major urban renewal project, sparking talk of race relations and potential riots.
#theboldones #harirhodes #leslienielsen
#TheBoldOnes s1e11 (1969) - 9/10
Medical emergency in space!
1️⃣ #TerryCarter (#BattlestarGalactica), #YaleSummers (#Daktari) and #TedHartley (#ChopperOne) are about to land on the moon when disaster strikes. Can #JohnSaxon’s blood save the day?
2️⃣ The drama is low-key but gripping. No OTT melodramatics here. Everything feels real, almost like a documentary.
#theboldones #terrycarter #battlestargalactica #yalesummers #daktari #tedhartley #chopperone #johnsaxon