The Booksellers Movie Trailer" Documentary Movies Series
"A lively tour of New York's book world, populated by an assortment of obsessives, intellects, eccentrics and dreamers, past and present: from the Park Avenue Armory's annual Antiquarian Book Fair, where original editions can fetch hundreds of thousands of dollars, to the Strand and Argosy bookstores, still standing against all odds."
#Books #TheBookSellers #Bookmastodon #Humanities #Literature #Cinema
#books #thebooksellers #bookmastodon #humanities #literature #cinema
Let's go back to my dad. He would say, "If you're not going to put out your own shingle as a psychologist, you should study the psychology of auctions." Serious wish the man was more prone to writing or recording because he had a lot of observation hours logged -- and thoughts about in-person auctions (high end and local ones) and Ebay and how it all changed. He too felt the impact of Ebay's ascent and then how it changed the value of previously rare items. #TheBooksellers #auctions
My bought estates and sold at auctions. Sometime he called auctions. But he also bought at them too. One time we went to get something and left me with his card. That was only time I bid (and I don't remember what it was or whether we got it because I was too focused on not going over his limit.) #TheBooksellers