@markmcelroy What‘s your impression about the best-empowered workflow? Especially in contrast to #Obsidian and #theBrain?
Okay but in terms of #ftfdesign can we just talk for a bit about how #thebrain has *stemming* and fuzzy search capabilities for detection links? Why is this not in Obsidian or Logseq? Stemming libraries are open-source, aren‘t they?
Just fiddling with theBrain this is like one of the *biggest* comfort factors. Not having to worry about these tiny common-language people permutations of a thought‘s title is wonderful.
@lph Obsidian, #Capacities, wouldn‘t compare it at all with #logseq (but I think Logseq still generally defines the gold standard of backlink handling). #theBrain, there‘s a lot of apps that have stronger backlinks handling than AnyType at present, both in terms of how explicit backlinks are listed *and* in terms of implicit connection detection. And IMO the later is essential because otherwise you always have to actively search for possible relevant note and take a lot of care to link.
Microbubbles and Ultrasound: Getting Drugs Through The Blood-Brain Barrier https://hackaday.com/2023/05/16/microbubbles-and-ultrasound-getting-drugs-through-the-blood-brain-barrier/ #bloodbrainbarrier #HackadayColumns #MedicalHacks #glioblastoma #medicine #thebrain #Science #brain
#bloodbrainbarrier #HackadayColumns #MedicalHacks #glioblastoma #medicine #thebrain #Science #brain
Luis hat jetzt Hirn!
PS: Morgen wird der Kadser 12 Jahre alt. Katzenopi.
#caturday #cats #Kadser #katze #hirn #TheBrain #HappyBirthday #OneBrainCell #OrangeCat
#caturday #cats #kadser #katze #hirn #thebrain #happybirthday #onebraincell #orangecat
Some #FavoriteTools
#Vim for #TextEditing
#Firefox w/ #Tridactyl #uBlockOrigin
#Diigo for #Tagging and #Bookmarking web pages
#Inoreader #RSS reader
#Pandoc for document creation/conversion
#Ubuntu (even if it's under Windows)
#Python w/ #Jupyter #Pandas #Matplotlib #numpy #scipy #plac
#TheBrain for #KnowledgeManagement
#MoonReader ebooks and PDFs
#RolandFP90 for #piano #music
#transcribe for working through #music #video
#Leatherman #SkeletoolCX for when my fingers need help
#skeletoolcx #leatherman #video #transcribe #music #piano #rolandfp90 #moonreader #knowledgemanagement #thebrain #plac #scipy #numpy #matplotlib #pandas #jupyter #python #ubuntu #pandoc #rss #inoreader #bookmarking #tagging #Diigo #ublockorigin #tridactyl #firefox #textediting #vim #favoritetools
In the year 2001, Mindset was (supposed to be) an import/export standard to catalyze an ecosystem of tools for #thinking like #TheBrain https://thebrain.com and #MindManager https://www.mindmanager.com so that you could always be sure to get your (pairs of) sequences, hierarchies and networks of thoughts out of any software tool (should the need arise). First initiative of my lab, Minciu Sodas, for independent thinkers. HP was not interested, said any use case was 10 years away... #Twitter
#twitter #mindmanager #thebrain #thinking
I want him and the brain to interact so much you have no idea
#fanart #doompatrol #dccomics #mrnobody #thebrain
#fanart #doompatrol #dccomics #mrnobody #thebrain
#JosephLeDoux - What Makes #Brains #Conscious?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfMind #PhilosophyOfScience #Consciousness #Emotion #Emotions #Feelings #MindBodyProblem #TheMindBodyProblem #Neuroscience #Neurophysiology #Brain #TheBrain #Perception #IdentityTheory #Qualia #PreFrontalCortex #Cortex #Language #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #language #cortex #prefrontalcortex #qualia #identitytheory #perception #thebrain #brain #neurophysiology #neuroscience #themindbodyproblem #mindbodyproblem #feelings #emotions #emotion #consciousness #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmind #philosophy #conscious #brains #josephledoux
#MichaelSpitzer - #Music’s power over your #Brain, explained
#TheBrain #Walking #Rhythm #Rhythms #Emotion #Emotions #Mimesis #SocialInteraction
#socialinteraction #mimesis #emotions #emotion #rhythms #rhythm #walking #thebrain #brain #music #michaelspitzer
#ChristofKoch - What Are #Brains?
#Science #Philosophy #PhilosophyOfMind #PhilosophyOfScience #Neuroscience #Brain #TheBrain #IntegratedInformation #Neurons #FMRI #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #fmri #neurons #integratedinformation #thebrain #brain #neuroscience #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmind #philosophy #science #brains #christofkoch
#RoyBaumeister - Is #FreeWill The Key to #Consciousness?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfMind #Science #Neuroscience #Determinism #Compatibilism #Brain #TheBrain #Morality #MoralResponsibility #Culture #Evolution #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #evolution #culture #moralresponsibility #morality #thebrain #brain #Compatibilism #determinism #neuroscience #science #philosophyofmind #philosophy #consciousness #freewill #roybaumeister
Lustiger #SchleFaZ, dämlicher Film.
#SchleFaZ #thebrain #fazmithirn #hirnfaz #christmasfaz #adventsfaz #LezFaZ
Ganz ehrlich, wie konnte ich dieses ewige Herumgerenne im Treppenhaus nur vergessen?
#SchleFaZ #LezFaZ #thebrain #fazmithirn #adventsfaz
Und was lernen wir daraus, liebe Kinder? Zuviel Hirn ist nicht gesund.☝️
#thebrain #fazmithirn #hirnfaz #christmasfaz #adventsfaz #LezFaZ #SchleFaZ
Das nennt man wohl Brainstorming.
#thebrain #fazmithirn #hirnfaz #christmasfaz #adventsfaz #LezFaZ #SchleFaZ
Ich sagte ja, Running Brain.
#thebrain #fazmithirn #hirnfaz #christmasfaz #adventsfaz #LezFaZ #SchleFaZ