Football,is a game about men being men 🦗 watching after couple of 🍻 ¬ make a big federal case about it,were gonna sneeze 🤧 & not put our hand over 🍌 a game for a men....a place of all you can pee straight,out of slavery to our woman's ....🦗🦗🦗 #munchkin #slaker #yachterotter #Knucklehead #calloutthedog #jaywalking #thebreadisstale
#munchkin #slaker #yachterotter #knucklehead #calloutthedog #jaywalking #thebreadisstale
I love my job,my university,my history department,my beatches politics,journalist,but take time in the morning,cause I don't believe in alarm clocks,or morning work,wakeup,I like to wake up when my body is ready,let's have meetings #blowinginthewind #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #stattlerandwaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking
#blowinginthewind #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #stattlerandwaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking
Awesome movie The power of the dog on Netflix #doggydog #munchkin #slaker #yachterotter #Knucklehead #calloutthedog #jaywalking #thebreadisstale #statterandwaldorf #craponthecob
#doggydog #munchkin #slaker #yachterotter #knucklehead #calloutthedog #jaywalking #thebreadisstale #statterandwaldorf #craponthecob
A few people think I just... talk,but my wordzzz are 1111% truth,I talk about alex vanopslagh in my Twitter 2 years&I HAVE RIGHT!I TOLD YOU SO...!!! the politics neither hates nor loves but sits, waiting patiently, for people to do famous stuff,I'm not one of kind to believe Monty Python is the devil snake from Harry Potter #doggydog #dogeatdog #dogeatetchother #hitchhiker #zemeckis #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale
#doggydog #dogeatdog #dogeatetchother #hitchhiker #zemeckis #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale
Yeah!this is the newzzz I believe in it...and Paris H you look like a baby doll found in hurricane rubble #doggydog #dogeatdog #dogeatetchother #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking #calloutthedog #knuckleheads #yachterotter
#doggydog #dogeatdog #dogeatetchother #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking #calloutthedog #knuckleheads #yachterotter
(2)or he can turn around,face his future like,people did,&say who gives a crap who riots say;I'm my own man now,so pretty slick,dear people,using protest to trick Benjy into opening up!too bad it didn't work #dogliketongue #potpot #boogyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats #yachterotter #knuckleheads #calloutthedog #jaywalking #thebreadisstale #statterandwaldorf #craponthecob #meshugeneh #doofus
#dogliketongue #potpot #boogyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats #yachterotter #knuckleheads #calloutthedog #jaywalking #thebreadisstale #statterandwaldorf #craponthecob #meshugeneh #doofus
I want to fly away a little bit out of politics,the only limitations is my imagination,let's have fun
#doggydog #dogeatdog #dogeatetchother #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking #calloutthedog #knuckleheads #yachterotter
#doggydog #dogeatdog #dogeatetchother #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking #calloutthedog #knuckleheads #yachterotter
Happy #fastelavnsboller happy #fastelavn #johnnytietoolong #dogliketongue #potpot #sickpuppy #boogeyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats #doggydog #dogeatdog #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking #calloutthedog #knuckleheads
#fastelavnsboller #fastelavn #johnnytietoolong #dogliketongue #potpot #sickpuppy #boogeyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats #doggydog #dogeatdog #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking #calloutthedog #knuckleheads
(2) mannequin,narcissist,voice,ability to spot trends&mens fashion &ability to know when it comes from a bootle;maybe my instincts were a little off,but I understand this transformation,now clothes are unisex,design..and a few can digest a food #StatlerWaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking #calloutthedog #knuckleheads
#StatlerWaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking #calloutthedog #knuckleheads
My 100 year granny, told me today,going to church,church like to hold a mirror up to society,and say:society you're soooo ugly,and sometimes we don't like a lot of what you're doing,but hey,how is this #society !?!? and demonize the society,is just a small sample of our distaste #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #StatlerWaldorf #thebreadisstale #calloutthedog #knuckleheads #sillycyberneticoffspring #swaddleanytighter #motheofgod #greyharredballs #Finhealth #goodgravelpit #borderingonstalking
#society #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #StatlerWaldorf #thebreadisstale #calloutthedog #knuckleheads #sillycyberneticoffspring #swaddleanytighter #motheofgod #greyharredballs #finhealth #goodgravelpit #borderingonstalking