@anagalarraga1 @RiverRock @desertorea @garkopeke @mikelgs @astrapotro @izarobasurko
Bai, Ursula ezinbestekoa da #ZiFi-an, eta fantasian #Terramar-eko sailarekin. Beste gomendio bat ZiFi+Fantasia nahasten dituena eta lehen aldiz trilogiako hiru liburuekin Hugo saria irabazitako #TheBrokenEarth, N.K. Jemisin-ena.
@Talaios_Liburutegia|n dauzkagu denak (Igo behar ditut paperjalera, eta bide batez Wikipediako artikulua osatuko dut).
#zifi #Terramar #thebrokenearth
I started watching the new season of #ShadowAndBone and I realized two things:
1. There's some superficial similarity to #TheBrokenEarth.
2. Combined with #BladesInTheDark, #Thief, #Dishonored, #CarnivalRow, #TheIrregulars and a few others I've come to what must be the obvious realization that I really like this quasi-Victorian fantasy genre. Not steampunk_ mind you which doesn't really interest me.
I might start exploring what I can do #ttrpg-wise with this realization..
#ShadowAndBone #thebrokenearth #bladesinthedark #thief #Dishonored #CarnivalRow #TheIrregulars #ttrpg
Don't get me wrong. One episode in, I like #TheLastOfUs. It's good. I just don't know if I needed more zombie apocalypses, yet, even if it is based on the more scientifically sound basis of a fungal infection. I just feel like if we were going to have folks wandering around through a post-apocalypse we could have done N.K. Jemisn's #TheBrokenEarth trilogy.
Absolutely loved The Broken Earth trilogy by N. K. Jemisin, what should I read next? #TheBrokenEarth #NKJemison #BookRec #book #fantasy
#thebrokenearth #nkjemison #bookrec #book #fantasy
#fantasy #ScienceFiction #scifi #TheBrokenEarth My review of the novel “The Obelisk Gate” by N. K. Jemisin
#fantasy #sciencefiction #scifi #thebrokenearth
#ScienceFantasy #ScienceFiction #scifi #fantasy #TheBrokenEarth My review of the novel “The Fifth Season” by N. K. Jemisin
#sciencefantasy #sciencefiction #scifi #fantasy #thebrokenearth