Top albums of 2022 - #1
The Burning Hell - Garbage Island
I first saw the Burning Hell back in 2017 in a packed wooden hut in Locharon with about 18 other people. I was impressed. Here's the best crossover ornithology/apocalypse rock album ever made, and probably my most listed album of 2022.
#albums #music #AlbumOfTheYear #2022music #Bandcamp #canada #TheBurningHell #5Albums22
#5albums22 #theburninghell #canada #bandcamp #2022music #albumoftheyear #music #albums
Top albums of 2022 - #1
The Burning Hell - Garbage Island
I first saw the Burning Hell back in 2017 in a packed wooden hut in Locharon with about 18 other people. I was impressed. Here's the best crossover ornithology/apocalypse rock album ever made, and probably my most listened album of 2022.
#albums #music #AlbumOfTheYear #2022music #Bandcamp #canada #TheBurningHell #5Albums22
#5albums22 #theburninghell #canada #bandcamp #2022music #albumoftheyear #music #albums