Congress compares Bajrang Dal with the banned outfit PFI. Watch this quick analysis of both organizations. @Shilpa1308 also brings details on the latest controversy regarding Congress and Bajrang Dal.
#ITVideo #TheBurningQuestion #BajrangDal @PoojaShali
#itvideo #theburningquestion #bajrangdal
Just because he is a Hindu Seer and the state is ruled by Riot Party.
RT @Indiatoday
Karnataka Mutt Rape Case: Seer roams free.
This is the naked truth of our legal implementation in India...we find the discrimination based on the profiles of the accused people, says Stanly KV, Co-Founder, Odanadi Seva Samsthe
#exclusive #theburningquestion
Man stelle sich ein Fussballfeld vor. @Nestle und 3 weitere Firmen überhäufen JEDEN TAG 83 Fussballfelder mit Plastik - und das in nur 6 Ländern. Das deckt @Tearfund auf. Jedem Fussball- und Naturfan ist klar: #BreakFreeFromPlastic! 🤜🤛🏿 💚
« When will @CocaCola commit to stop the rubbish that makes life harder for people in poverty? Read about our latest report #TheBurningQuestion in @MetroUK 🔥 »
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