#TheCage hits very, very differently when you know that Pike was well aware of his fate when he resisted the Telosians' menagerie. His conversation with the doctor is very different. The "Earth's got no room for ugly chicks" conclusion, however, remains hilariously awful. #StarTrek
Gizmodo: Strange New Worlds' Memory Hole Mystery Can't Quite Plug All the Gaps https://gizmodo.com/star-trek-strange-new-worlds-recap-season-2-episode-4-1850612385 #startrekstrangenewworlds #softsciencefiction #starshipenterprise #strangenewworld #balanceofterror #christopherpike #primedirective #melissanavia #ericaortegas #enterprise #starfleet #numberone #startrek #rigelvii #thecage #batel #spock #pike #edge #zac
#startrekstrangenewworlds #softsciencefiction #starshipenterprise #strangenewworld #balanceofterror #christopherpike #primedirective #melissanavia #ericaortegas #enterprise #starfleet #numberone #startrek #rigelvii #thecage #batel #spock #pike #edge #zac
This was the 2nd TOS episode produced (3rd if you count #TheCage). So this is the first performance by DeForest Kelley as Dr. McCoy. That also explains Spock still shouting. #AllStarTrek #StarTrek #TheCorbomiteManeuver
#thecage #allstartrek #startrek #thecorbomitemaneuver
@Bridgemakes @mikey aw thanks. I could never compare to the likes of @gaghyogi49 for detailed images and observations though.
I checked #MemoryAlpha about it too. The first two star trek pilots have regular clipboards (#theCage and #WhereNoManHasGoneBefore) both have them then there's the electronic clipboard used in most of the series.
#memoryalpha #thecage #wherenomanhasgonebefore
#MichaelBergin #StacyKamano
S11E08 "The Cage"
#RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #TheCage #Hawaii #Baywatch #Lifeguards #BaywatchHawaii
#StacyKamano #RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #thecage #hawaii #MichaelBergin #baywatch #lifeguards #BaywatchHawaii
#JasonBrooks #MichaelBergin
S11E08 "The Cage"
#RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #TheCage #Hawaii #Baywatch #Lifeguards #BaywatchHawaii
#lvdlpx #thecage #hawaii #baywatch #lifeguards #BaywatchHawaii #JasonBrooks #MichaelBergin #RandomBaywatch
#MichaelBergin #StacyKamano #Lifeguards
S11E08 "The Cage"
#RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #TheCage #Hawaii #Baywatch #BaywatchHawaii
#thecage #baywatch #hawaii #lifeguards #RandomBaywatch #MichaelBergin #StacyKamano #lvdlpx #BaywatchHawaii
S11E08 "The Cage"
#RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #TheCage #Hawaii #Baywatch #BaywatchHawaii
#lifeguards #RandomBaywatch #thecage #baywatch #BaywatchHawaii #lvdlpx #hawaii
Oh #PlutoTV, while I love #TheCage, it is inappropriate to leave me off at #TimeArrowPart1, ending your #StarTrekTNG cycle for a #StarTrek #TOS one without finishing that 2-parter!
#plutotv #thecage #timearrowpart1 #startrektng #startrek #tos
Über 200 Jahre in der Zukunft und wie wird kommuniziert? Per Fax. Die #Enterprise von Pike muss wohl ein von Deutschland gebautes Schiff sein.
#enterprise #startrek #tos #startrektos #thecage
For years the only version of “The Cage” I’d seen was the black and white version with cuts to color clips from The Menagerie.
Seeing it in full color is jarring cuz I expect it to shift to/from B&W
#startrek #startrektos #thecage