C'est parti pour The Case of the Golden Idol (en français !)
#thecaseofthegoldenidol #jeuxvideo #twitch
Dans l'après-midi, on va tester si mon ordi tient quand même sur #TheCaseoftheGoldenIdol sur Twitch
Et s'il n'y a pas de problème, eh bien... on enquêtera en live ! (J'ai installé un patch FR 😇)
Ne vous moquez pas, mon ordi n'arrive plus à faire fonctionner des jeux minuscules aujourd'hui 😔 (même des jeux qui fonctionnaient avant)
#SteamKesäale2023'ssa lähti mukaan pari peliä!
Ensin "Dave the Diver". Se yhdistelee sukelluskalastelua ja kokkailua näistä antimista.
Toisena ostoon "The Case of the Golden Idol", joka on Obra Dinnin kaltainen salapoliisipeli.
#steamkesaale2023 #davethediver #thecaseofthegoldenidol
Yeeeeeeeees!!!! 🤩
The DLC for #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol is out!
If you haven't played this game yet, I can heartily recommend it. At least if you're really into puzzle games as I am. 😅
The Case of the Golden Idol has big Obra Dinn energy and I am here for it.
Those are big spiritual-successor shoes to fill, but I’m halfway through and it’s good so far. The art grows on you. And extra DLC content is coming this week, so get in.
It’s made with #Godot too, rock on.
#GameRecommendation #VideoGames #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol #TheReturnOfTheObraDinn
#godot #gamerecommendation #videogames #thecaseofthegoldenidol #thereturnoftheobradinn
this week in #gaming 🕹️
• continued #HiFiRush; nothing but love for it - i don't want it to end! 🎸
• completed #Quake's main campaign 💥
• tried the #OctopathTraveler2 demo; wasn't appealing enough
• made it to finals in a 2v2 champion tournament of #RocketLeague (teammate abandoned after losing the first match... so I lost) ⚽
• started #ResidentEvil2 (remake); fantastic, tense atmosphere 🧟♂️
• started #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol; playing it with my wife and i'm totally obsessed! 👺
#gaming #hifirush #quake #octopathtraveler2 #rocketleague #residentevil2 #thecaseofthegoldenidol
Everybody who likes puzzle games of the whudunnit variety should go and play #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol . Especially if you were into #ReturnOfTheObraDinn . 🤩
Even though it only took me around 5h to complete, I'm very satisfied with the workout I got for my brain. You can't beat that *AHA* feeling of all the pieces finally falling into place.
I have to admit that I was glad about the epilogue. While all the hints were there, I needed someone to spell out the implications of the final case. 😅
#thecaseofthegoldenidol #returnoftheobradinn
Es wird sich noch zeigen, ob mich meine Begeisterung für diese Art von Spielen irgendwann zu einer Meisterdetektivin machen oder hinter Gitter bringen wird.
Weiterlesen: https://wall-jump.com/de/feeling-clever-might-murder-later/
Von Janina @janinahimmen
#gaming #videogames #thecaseofthegoldenidol #indiegames
Are there any predecessors for the style of input/progress gating found in Return of the Obra Dinn and The Case of the Golden Idol?
In each, you have blanks requiring info about a given scene that you must fill in correctly, through deduction and other puzzle solving, in order to progress. (See pics for screenshots from each)
#Games #VideoGames #VideoGameUI #PuzzleGames #MurderMystery #ObraDinn #ReturnOfTheObraDinn #CaseOfTheGoldenIdol #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol
#thecaseofthegoldenidol #caseofthegoldenidol #returnoftheobradinn #obradinn #murdermystery #puzzlegames #videogameui #videogames #games
#BacklogPass #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol è un fantastico gioco investigativo che metterà alla prova le vostre capacità di osservazione e di deduzione, ricompensandovi con delle storie da svelare non banali e che vi faranno sentire degli investigatorə provettə quando le risolverete.
Me lo sono sparato tutto in un weekend, imperdibile se vi piacciono i giochi alla Return of the Obra Dinn (pure Lucas Pope l'ha consigliato, che vuoi di più?)
Nota Bene: non è (purtroppo) localizzato in italiano!
#BacklogPass #thecaseofthegoldenidol
Just finished playing The Case of The Golden Idol. Super fun 6 hour game to play with your partner or a friend. Similar to The Curse of the Obra Dinn.
Finito #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol senza usare hint. Hercule Poirot mi spiccia casa ✌️ 😎
It's late in, but #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol is 100% my game of the year. The only problem is I need MORE
Gran gioco "The case of the golden Idol". Siamo dalle parti di"return of the Obra Dinn", me leggermente più accessibile, grazie a meccaniche di gioco un po' più guidate. La soddisfazione di una deduzione corretta però rimane intatta. #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol
#TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol #PointAndClick #AdventureGame #IndieGame
#thecaseofthegoldenidol #pointandclick #adventuregame #indiegame
Just finished #thecaseofthegoldenidol. I won't lie, I used a guide for the final two chapters.
It's a really enjoyable point and click mystery game with a bit of Obra Dinn thrown in for good measure.
If that sounds like your beat, then it's definitely worth a look.
It also runs great on #Steamdeck
#thecaseofthegoldenidol #SteamDeck
#IMMORTALITY has really got it's hooks into me, but as with a lot of #Games I love and want to recommend to others, I think the less you know about it going in the better, at least mechanically.
I also think it's a #Game that people who aren't #Videogame people could really enjoy.
I hope a #NoClip or similar have some coverage of how the devs made this game, I'm especially interested in how they created the #NarrativeStructure cos it's blowing my mind at the moment!
#IronLung and #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol are next on the list... If I can stop playing #MotorsportManager... I'm not even sure why I'm enjoying that game??? I don't like motorsport at all!
#immortality #games #game #videogame #noclip #narrativestructure #IronLung #thecaseofthegoldenidol #motorsportmanager #gamedev #videogames