We're starting rehearsals for my first play, this coming week. It's going to be intense, and I'll only be zooming in! I hope all the actors, crew and other staff who are going to be going like gangbusters for the next month take the time they need when they can get it to care for themselves and their relationships. I know how life-stifling these final pushes can be, and I hope we all stay healthy!

#wordsoftheprophets #thecelltheatre #nyctheater #theater #nyc #chelsea #manhattan

Last updated 2 years ago

@Jonathanglick It's at Nancy Manucherians the cell theatre. Opens the 21st of April. It's called Words of the Prophets, and is about 5 homeless characters, played by body performers and ASL performers, and narrated. I'm excited! :)

#thecelltheatre #wordsoftheprophets

Last updated 2 years ago

So I'm literally starting production on one play, and my brain has decided Now is the time to write a completely different play, only this one will be longer. Oddly enough, I kind of didn't /mean/ to write the first one, (my poetry cycle was too long. I set the whole thing to music and turned it into a radio play. Then someone found out.)

...Also my play, "Words of the Prophets", will open at Nancy Manucherian's in Chelsea on April 21st! *squee!*

#thecelltheatre #theater #wordsoftheprophets

Last updated 2 years ago

I'll be reading Sunday 2/12 at 8pm EST on the FUMFA Poets & Writers show!

This is a fantastic program that pairs writers from various styles, has them present, and then runs a Q&A with the audience!

Log in and enjoy the free entertainment! I'll also be previewing sections of my play, "Words of the Prophets", premiering this April at Nancy Manucherien's the cell theatre in Manhattan.


#poetry #writers #theater #wordsoftheprophets #thecelltheatre #fumfa #youtube

Last updated 2 years ago

Attention! Looking for ONLY Black-Led, Community-based organizations in Manhattan that work on the ground with homeless populations.

I am a formerly homeless playwright, debuting a play about homelessness, April 2024 at Nancy Manucherien's the cell theatre. The producers have agreed to donate 50% of ticket sales, and I am helping to vet candidate orgs.

Please take this opportunity to thank an org you know!

#wordsoftheprophets #thecelltheatre #BlackMastodon #homeless

Last updated 2 years ago