Challenge USA Episode 4 Podcast. We talk throwing challenges and double eliminations.
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Challenge USA Episode 2
2 eliminations, 1 great daily, a argument and uprising. What a episode! or Search Reality Daily on iTunes/Spotify
#thechallengeusa #thechallenge #bb25 #cbsbigbrother #thechallengemtv #survivor #amazingrace #realitytvpodcast
#realitytvpodcast #amazingrace #survivor #thechallengemtv #cbsbigbrother #bb25 #TheChallenge #thechallengeusa
Challenge USA episode 1 podcast. We discuss the cast, discuss potential issues with the format & fuck that cliffhanger.
#thechallengeusa #thechallenge #bb25 #cbsbigbrother #thechallengemtv #survivor #amazingrace #realitytvpodcast
#realitytvpodcast #amazingrace #survivor #thechallengemtv #cbsbigbrother #bb25 #TheChallenge #thechallengeusa
'Absolutely sick’: Contestants say Netflix’s 'Squid Game' reality show was ‘cruel’ - New York Post
I’ve never watched this show but from the pics in the article it looks like #TheChallengeMTV but with way more people.