Τα αυστραλέζικα 80s θα είναι μαγικά και περιπετειώδη...
Part Two
The Chills - The triumph and tragedy of Martin Phillipps
Don't be - Memory
#thechills #martinphilipps #myfuckings80s
Now playing The Chills - Soft Bomb
A bit more gig prep, don't listen to this as much as their earlier albums … maybe I should #thechills #softbomb #nowplaying #nowplaying
#nowplaying #softbomb #thechills
Now playing Submarine Bells by The Chills
ahead of seeing them at The Cluny tonight #thechills #nowplaying #submarinebells #heavenlypophit #nowplaying
#heavenlypophit #submarinebells #nowplaying #thechills
Si me reencarno en un jovenzuelo al palmar, me pido pelazo como el de la derecha de #TheChills. Mezcla ideal de #MickRonson y #RodStewart en los #70s aquellos de plataformas y pantalones de campana.
#RockNRoll #GlamRock
#glamrock #rocknroll #70s #rodstewart #mickronson #thechills
The Chills - Brave Words, NZ Flying Nun
I mean apologies to all the brilliant Flying Nun bands all of whom I love and apologies to The Chills themselves who are still putting out great stuff but this record to me is peak 80s Kiwi indie, just an amazing achievement. #records #vinyl #TheChills #FlyingNun
#records #vinyl #thechills #flyingnun
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MorningShow
The Chills:
🎵 Heavenly Pop Hit
#nowplaying #morningshow #thechills
The street art here is cool #newzealand #dunedin #thechills @efd
#thechills #dunedin #newzealand
Just got my copy of Needles & Plastic, the new book about Flying Nun Records during the early Christchurch years 81-88.
Here’s an apropos playlist to accompany: In Focus: Flying Nun Records on NTS.live
#FlyingNunRecords #NewZealand #music #playlist #rock #PostPunk #IndieMusic
#TheClean #TheGordons #TheChills #TheVerlaines #StraightjacketFits #BailterSpace #NTSLive
#flyingnunrecords #newzealand #music #playlist #rock #postpunk #indiemusic #theclean #thegordons #thechills #theverlaines #straightjacketfits #bailterspace #ntslive
#RealEstate, Past Lives
#TheChills, Canterbury Go!
#SmokeyRobinson & #TheMiracles, I Second That Emotion
#GeneChandler, Duke of Earl
#TheOlympics, Western Movies
#Cracker, King of Bakersfield
#RaphaelSaadiq, People
#EddieFloyd, Big Bird
#Supergrass, Alright
#supergrass #eddiefloyd #raphaelsaadiq #cracker #theolympics #genechandler #themiracles #smokeyrobinson #thechills #realestate #TheMorningLine
This makes me miss #Indietracks even more. Seeing #TheChills there was one of the best musical things ever. I got actual shivers:
#IndietracksFestival #Indiepop #Alternative #DIY #AntiCorporate
#anticorporate #diy #alternative #indiepop #indietracksfestival #thechills #indietracks
And also this:
what a fucking song oh my god
#ArthurRussell #JuanaMolina #Megapuss #Cranberries #TheCure #AliceColtrane #CigarettesAfterSex #Gravenhurst #PandaBear #CaféTacvba #CafeTacuba #DanielLanois #LauraMarling #LotusPlaza #Can #Neu #Acetone #RodrigoAmarante #TheTallestManOnEarth #BarkPsychosis #FruitBats #AldousHarding #AmenDunes #JohnMartyn #TalkTalk #TheChills #BertJansch #RobinGuthrie #LizFraser #CocoRosie #BritPop #KrautRock #AfroBeat
#arthurrussell #juanamolina #megapuss #cranberries #thecure #AliceColtrane #cigarettesaftersex #gravenhurst #pandabear #cafetacvba #cafetacuba #daniellanois #lauramarling #lotusplaza #can #neu #acetone #rodrigoamarante #thetallestmanonearth #barkpsychosis #fruitbats #aldousharding #amendunes #JohnMartyn #talktalk #thechills #bertjansch #robinguthrie #lizfraser #cocorosie #britpop #krautrock #afrobeat
#ToddSnider, Travelin' Light
#TheCongos, Open Up The Gate
#BobMould, Heartbreak A Stranger
#TheChills, Effloresce and Deliquesce
#RickyNelson, Mad Mad World
#ElvisCostello, Miracle Man
#SunRa, Saturn
#RobynHitchcock, Sayonara Judge
#robynhitchcock #sunra #ElvisCostello #rickynelson #thechills #bobmould #thecongos #toddsnider #TheMorningLine