And now I've re-watched the The Circle movie.
Of course, any adaptation of a novel lacks something, but the movie is good. Yeah, a few subtleties are missing (the surveys, PartiRank, Francis, Annie's coma, the affair with "Kalden", all politicians transparent, PastPerfect), but that's alright.
But I really hate how they changed Mae. In the novel she's so evil. The chase for Mercer, "helping" Annie, the ending...
#movies #thecircle #daveeggers #media #totalitarianism
Panelists Amma Marfo & Joelle from @thepocketpod recommend MichelleButeau's new comedy show, Survival of the Thickest! Loosely based on her memoir, it's just as boisterous and fun as she is. Now streaming on Netflix! #SurvivalOfTheThickest #michellebuteau #comedy #Netflix #podcast #podcasts #PopCulture #TheCircle
#thecircle #popculture #podcasts #podcast #netflix #comedy #michellebuteau #survivalofthethickest
Just rated The Circle ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ #TheCircle #trakt #TraktLog #MastoTrakt #CouchPal
#thecircle #trakt #traktlog #mastotrakt #couchpal
Just watched The Circle #TheCircle #trakt #TraktLog #MastoTrakt #CouchPal
#thecircle #trakt #traktlog #mastotrakt #couchpal
Emma Watson in movies Part 6
#Colonia #EmmaWatson #emmawatsonharrypotter #emmawatsoninterview #HarryPotter #HarryPotterandtheChamberofSecrets #HarryPotterandtheDeathlyHallows #HarryPotterandtheGobletofFire #HarryPotterandtheHalf-BloodPrince #HarryPotterandtheOrderofthePhoenix #HarryPotterandthePrisonerofAzkaban #Hermione #LITTLEWOMEN #NOAH #REGRESSION #ThebeautyandtheBeast #THEBLINGRING #TheCircle #ThisIstheEnd #エマ・ワトソン
#colonia #emmawatson #emmawatsonharrypotter #emmawatsoninterview #harrypotter #harrypotterandthechamberofsecrets #HarryPotterandtheDeathlyHallows #harrypotterandthegobletoffire #harrypotterandthehalf #harrypotterandtheorderofthephoenix #harrypotterandtheprisonerofazkaban #hermione #littlewomen #noah #regression #thebeautyandthebeast #theblingring #thecircle #thisistheend #エマ・ワトソン
What was Lindsay Lohan REALLY like?
#courtneyrevolution #evepodcasts #exonthebeach #homecomingqueens #homecomingqueenspodcast #lindsaylohan #LindsayLohan’sBeachClub #mikemulderrig #netflixrealityshow #netflix'srealitytelevision #realitytvpodcast #savannahpalacio #shortclip #TheCircle #リンジー・ローハン
#courtneyrevolution #evepodcasts #exonthebeach #homecomingqueens #homecomingqueenspodcast #lindsaylohan #mikemulderrig #netflixrealityshow #netflix #realitytvpodcast #savannahpalacio #shortclip #thecircle #リンジー・ローハン
#AllStarTrek Deputy Intelligence Officer Quark to the rescue!👍
#StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #DeepSpaceNine #TheCircle
#thecircle #deepspacenine #startrekds9 #startrek #AllStarTrek
#AllStarTrek Really confused as to why these terrorist kidnappers are wearing a uniform.🤔
#StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #DeepSpaceNine #TheCircle
#thecircle #deepspacenine #startrekds9 #startrek #AllStarTrek
#AllStarTrek Quark: "You and me, a team? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..."😆🤣😅😂
#thecircle #deepspacenine #startrekds9 #startrek #AllStarTrek
Deep Space Nine . . . After Dark.
#AllStarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #DS9 #TheCircle @allstartrek
#AllStarTrek #startrekds9 #ds9 #thecircle
#AllStarTrek Seems like Kira has a little bit of a crush on Vedek Bareil.🤣
#StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #DeepSpaceNine #TheCircle
#thecircle #deepspacenine #startrekds9 #startrek #AllStarTrek
#AllStarTrek I don't trust this #FrankLangella dude, his jaw doesn't move enough when he talks.🤔
#StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #TheCircle
#thecircle #startrekds9 #startrek #franklangella #AllStarTrek
The biggest benefit I’ve gained so far from watching trashy reality #TheCircle on #Netlfix recently—loving it btw—is learning new phrases in current usage.
Sis is used now as equivalent to bro 👍 A Kiki is still a social gathering, often to spill tea, but meaning has been extended beyond the queer community.
Speaking of a spilling tea, (sharing gossip) the phrase☕️has lasted longer than I thought it would.
I know I’m loosing my Horror Fan Card with this… 👺⭕️
Global News BC: ‘Dances With Wolves’ actor Nathan Chasing Horse sex abuse charges upheld, drug crime dropped #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NathanLeeChasingHisHorse #NathanChasingHorsecult #psilocybinmushrooms #NathanChasingHorse #DancesWithWolves #NorthLasVegas #thecirclecult #Psilocybin #TheCircle #LasVegas #Crime #Cult
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #nathanleechasinghishorse #nathanchasinghorsecult #psilocybinmushrooms #nathanchasinghorse #danceswithwolves #northlasvegas #thecirclecult #psilocybin #thecircle #lasvegas #crime #cult
#TheCircle by Dave Eggers - liked a lot, but really didn't like the main character. Her fatphobia was a bit much too.
But as a GenXer, having watched the world change over to digital in my teens/20s, this is something I'll think about till i die - living life online vs irl, is more info/metrics more honest/open, capitalism trampling the good aspects of #socialmedia, etc.
Rem of #BlackMirror - Nosedive, Arkangel, Entire History of You. And 1984, lol
@bookstodon #reading #books #usedbooks
#usedbooks #books #reading #blackmirror #socialmedia #thecircle
#Film #Hollywood #japan #japanese #movie #moviecollection #SNS #TheCircle #エマ・ワトソン #エラー・コルトレーン #カレン・ギラン #ザ・サークル #ジェームズ・ポンソルト #ジョン・ボイエガ #ダ・ヴィンチコード #トム・ハンクス #ビル・パクストン #ムビコレ #映画 #美女と野獣
#film #hollywood #japan #japanese #movie #moviecollection #sns #thecircle #エマ・ワトソン #エラー・コルトレーン #カレン・ギラン #ザ・サークル #ジェームズ・ポンソルト #ジョン・ボイエガ #ダ・ヴィンチコード #トム・ハンクス #ビル・パクストン #ムビコレ #映画 #美女と野獣
I don't often watch reality tv shows these days but when I do I go on full binge 🙈
I watched through all 5 seasons (that are on Netflix) of the USA the Circle in way too short time frame 😂🤯🥳😎🥸 #TheCircle #realitytv #Netflix
#thecircle #realitytv #netflix
Why this film hasn't got the best ratings and reviews I don't understand.
Really well done, excellent actors and not one boring minute.
I clearly recommend 'The Circle' to everybody. 🎞️📺☝️
#thecircle #thriller #emmawatson #TomHanks #johnboyega