When host Michelle talked to “Brittney” (aka her dad Brian) at #TheCircle Finale, he was open about catfishing as her being the wrong move. But he didn’t quite cover all the reasons why. My latest TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRpCCR9N/
#TheCircleNetflix #WhyXLost #RHAP #TheCircleSeason5 #RealityTV #TV
#tv #realitytv #thecircleseason5 #rhap #whyxlost #thecirclenetflix #thecircle
Just finished watching #TheCircleNetflix and I'm in floods of tears for the very very worthy winner of the $100,000.
#thecirclenetflix #nospoliershere #worthywinner
RT @Ethiomari
I’m so happy that The Circle producers provided raven with accommodations she needed to be in the show. I hope more Reality TV shows take this route. #TheCircle #TheCircleNetflix
⭕ I was so sad that the latest season of #TheCircleNetflix came to an end 😭 But then I realised I can binge-watch #BlingEmpireNY and I got happy again! 💍
#thecirclenetflix #blingempireny
#TheCircle host Michelle spoke to Marvin at the Finale to find out about his game plan. As we saw, he derailed whatever that plan was with his inability to control himself when it came to women! My latest TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRpaj45G/
#TheCircleNetflix #WhyXLost #RHAP #TheCircleSeason5 #RealityTV #TV
#tv #realitytv #thecircleseason5 #rhap #whyxlost #thecirclenetflix #thecircle
And the winner of #TheCircleSeason5 is… revealed after an appropriate dramatic pause! (Which was quite long on the show.) Congratulations to Sam!! 🎉👏
My latest TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRpUHGAx/
#tv #realitytv #thecircle #rhap #whyxlost #thecirclenetflix #thecircleseason5
While #Survivor is between seasons, I was part of the panel for #TheCircle recap along with Rob, Taran, Chantele, and Season 2’s Courtney! We had a great time discussing the Finale, winner, and season overall — including all of us agreeing about a number of strategic elements (or lack thereof)!
You can watch or listen here: https://robhasawebsite.com/circle-usa-season5-finale/
#tv #realitytv #thecircleseason5 #thecirclenetflix #rhap #thecircle #survivor
The “Jennifer” team of Xanthi & Brett voted strategically to stick around til the #TheCircle Finale, but then flipped and decided to vote with their hearts. Was it *just* emotion? 🤷🏻♂️ My latest TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRpDMrhU/
#TheCircleNetflix #WhyXLost #RHAP #TheCircleSeason5 #RealityTV #TV
#tv #realitytv #thecircleseason5 #rhap #whyxlost #thecirclenetflix #thecircle
Crying like a baby watching #TheCircle finale on @netflix
Damn I love this crazy ass show
RT @iintrcvert
"xanthi and brett on the circle
#TheCircleNetflix #thecircleseason5 "
#thecirclenetflix #thecircleseason5
#TheCircle host referred to Marvin in a certain way here. And I just want to note that it’s a good thing for him that I changed my major away from chemical engineering or else he obviously would need a different title. #TheCircleNetflix
When Chaz on #TheCircle reached out to smooth things over, the Xanthi half of “Jennifer” called it for what it was — a strategic move because he wants everyone rating him high on Finale night! My latest TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRp2aGe7/
#TheCircleNetflix #WhyXLost #RHAP #TheCircleSeason5 #RealityTV #TV
#tv #realitytv #thecircleseason5 #rhap #whyxlost #thecirclenetflix #thecircle
On #TheCircleNetflix once Sam figured out that “Jennifer” was shady, she really wanted nothing more to do with her. Alas, you can’t just have #TheCircle eject someone from chat. 😆 My latest TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRpYjCWa/
#tv #realitytv #thecircleseason5 #rhap #whyxlost #thecircle #thecirclenetflix
Got ~100 new TikTok followers and my “introducing Marvin” video (tiktok.com/t/ZTRpdFvbm/) more than doubled to over 115,000 views since last night because of the new show he’s going to be on! (And some of those people are a bit confused about this video. 🤣)
#RealityTV #TheCircle #TheCircleNetflix #BBTitans #BigBrotherTitans #TV
#tv #bigbrothertitans #bbtitans #thecirclenetflix #thecircle #realitytv
On #TheCircle the wheels were turning in Sam’s head when she found out The Hacker had impersonated someone. Who could it be? Wait for it… Bingo! 🛎️ My latest TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRpdMWWc/
#TheCircleNetflix #WhyXLost #RHAP #TheCircleSeason5 #RealityTV #TV
#tv #realitytv #thecircleseason5 #rhap #whyxlost #thecirclenetflix #thecircle
Ok the twist of having them show their cards and who they'd block is a good one. I really hope Chaz is an influencer because Sam needs to stay
I really hope Brett gets blocked first. He's so annoying and a bad circle player. I've never watched Big Brother, I wonder if he was much better at that game. And not him stealing Queen Kai's hashtag! #RealRecognizeReal This is cultural appropriation to add that s and steal it.
#realrecognizereal #thecirclenetflix
Finally, a gay. I wish they explained like who Bruno is?oke is he an invention or like a friend? Maybe it'll be revealed later on in a dramatic way. I like this next group of four much better. #TheCircleNetflix
I'm going to be live tooting as I watch the circle. I'll add #TheCircleNetflix if you want to mute it because I might be annoying.
Starting episode one with the first four, my initial favorite is Raven, I hate all the rest. The dad is going to fail so hard but It's not Britney bitch it's her dad is a good line. When do they bring on a gay?