If you've been following the hashtag #theclausworking , you know we're doing a very wholesome form of chaos magick - a pagan altar to Santa Claus himself! So, since we've had success with it, I'm doing something extra special for fellow tooters: reply to this post as a direct message with what you want for Christmas, and I will write it as a letter to Santa and burn it at the altar, with your choice of offering! (Not too expensive, please!)
If you get that thing before or on Christmas Day, leave another reply on the post - public or private, your choice - saying, "Thank You, Santa!"
Let's make some new believers this year!
#happyholidays #santaclaus #chaosmagic #popculturemagic #theclausworking
The altar for The Claus Working is complete! It was tested last week when my partner wrote a letter to Santa, not telling me the contents. I folded it up thrice towards me, then called upon the spirit of Santa Claus by many names to enter the room. Giving the libation of a cookie, I asked that this letter be read, and with a flash of red and green fire it was licked up in flame, then flung out the back door, carried by the wind.
Within a week, I was surprised for my partner to tell me that not only had part of the petition been granted, it was given to her by an excited little boy out of the blue.
Virginia, maybe there is a Santa Claus. But we'll give it another test soon, to be sure!
#santaclaus #popculturemagic #chaosmagick #theclausworking
The Claus Working is coming closer to a completed altar, with petitions to be written as letters to Santa with libations of Coca-Cola or milk and chocolate chip cookies. Final touches to be done o'er the weekend. Wish us luck!
#popculturemagic #chaosmagick #theclausworking
Accidentally mistyped the hashtag so ill put #theclausworking in the comments
Very excited to announce that my partner and I are doing our first pop culture magick foray this year and will be setting up an altar to Santa Claus, and giving updates via the hashtag #theclausworking with a very special ritual on December 24. More lengthy versions of the updates will be on my Tumblr (link in bio).
Suggestions welcome!